Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology: Volume 19 Issue 1
An International JournalTable of contents
Safety In Our Time
IT has frequently been said that what aviation has to offer to the travelling public is speed. Vis‐à‐vis other forms of transport this is no doubt true but it must never be…
The Seventeenth Salon
IT is unfortunate that the date of the 17th Salon de l'Aeronautique made it impossible to include a review of it in the December issue of AIRCRAFT ENGINEERING, although perhaps…
Rate of Roll of Aeroplanes
William T. ThomsonELASTIC deformation of the wing in relation to divergence and loss of aileron control has been studied by a number of investigators. Much of the previous investigation is based on…
The Evolution of Energy in Jet and Rocket Propulsion
P. BielkowiczA GENERAL outline of the processes occurring in the working fluid of a rocket engine has been summarized previously, but the total picture is still far from complete, a number of…
Research Reports and Memoranda
Under this heading are published regularly abstracts of all Reports and Memoranda of the Aeronautical Research Committee, Reports and Technical Notes of the United States National…
The Bristol Method of Air Freight Handling: A Series of Standardized Containers to Simplify Allocation of Floor Area and Economize Space
J.H. DavisIT has been contended that from the operators' point of view air freight is preferable to passengers because of the inability to complain or be the cause of any of the minor…
A Light Aeroplane in Production: Some Details of the North American Navion Manufacturing and Tooling Processes Applied as the Outcome of Wartime Experience
ON a system of mechanized conveyors very similar to its wartime P‐51 Mustang line, North American Aviation, Inc. on the Los Angeles Municipal Airport is turning out Navions at the…
Tools for the Workshop
The Moore and Wright Multi‐Mike is an adjustable micrometer with a capacity of 0 to 0·5 in. equipped with a set of 13 anvils which allow measurements to be made in many types of…
Trade Announcements
A new post, Air Member for Technical Services, has been created on the Air Council for the head of a new Department which will be responsible for all aspects of the technical work…
U.S. Patent Specifications
In an aircraft, a power plant, a cowling surrounding said power plant, a propeller driven by said power plant, a fairing mounted on said propeller and having an external contour…
0002-2667Online date, start – end:
1929Copyright Holder:
Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Prof Phil Webb