Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology: Volume 11 Issue 2
An International JournalTable of contents
The Study of the Spin: A Subject which is of Ever‐Present Interest
WE have made a practice of publishing at intervals articles surveying the progress made in elucidating, and summarising the state of knowledge arrived at in regard to, various…
An Elementary Study of the Spin: A Review of Existing Knowledge on a Problem of Ever‐Present Difficulty
J.H. CroweIn this paper a comprehensive survey of spinning phenomena is attempted. The presentation is elementary in character, starting with the simple geometry of the spin, then dealing…
The Swelling of Wood: An Analysis of the Swelling Resulting from Absorption of Various Liquids
N.A. de BruyneWOOD though in many ways an attractive structural material has the disadvantage of being water absorbent. In itself this characteristic would be of minor significance were it not…
Recent Airscrew Research: An Account of Experimental Work Carried Out in the R.A.E. 24‐ft. Wind‐Tunnel
W.G.A. PerringTHE increase in aeroplane speed, brought about by improved aerodynamic design and higher engine powers, together with the design restriction on airscrew tip speed resulting from…
Some Books Recently Received
Professor Milne‐Thomson's book is a valuable addition to the published literature on hydrodynamics. It is written primarily as a text‐book for use in universities and is based on…
Research Reports and Memoranda
Under this heading are published regularly abstracts of all Reports and Memoranda of the Aeronautical Research Committee, Reports and Technical Notes of the U.S. National Advisory…
De Havilland Gipsy Twelve Production
A PART from its intrinsic attraction as a modern aero‐engine, the de Havilland Gipsy Twelve has a particular interest in that it is as yet the only British example of the inverted…
Series Construction of the Hurricane I: A Review of the Methods of Hawker Aircraft Ltd.
IT is a comparatively simple matter to settle down to the quantity production of an aeroplane in a brand new factory where expense is no object when considering the purchase of…
Air Ministry Official Notices
Instances have occurred in which the holes in the top main plane spars, at the attachment of the front and rear flying wire fittings, in D.H. 87A and 87B (Hornet Moth) aeroplanes…
Air Ministry Contracts Placed in December
THE following list of contracts placed by the Air Ministry during December is extracted from the January issue of The Ministry of Labour Gazelle :—
U.S. Patent Specifications
In an aeroplane, an elevator, a mechanism tinder the pilot's control for operating said elevator, and self‐acting means for adjusting the righting effect of the elevator in…
Month in the Patent Office
Fig. 2 shows a blade carried by a head of the kind described in Specification. 435,818. The root of the blade comprises a steel tube 32 provided with a fairing 33, Fig. 3, which…
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Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Prof Phil Webb