Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology: Volume 1 Issue 9


An International Journal

Table of contents

An Airship Experiment: The Absorbing Interest of R 101

FOR reasons that are very largely obscure, though in some directions the underlying causes were patent to the discerning, the announcement of the completion of “R 101” was…

The Use of Dimensional Relationships: The System of Solution by Inspection Applied to Various Aeronautical Problems of Common Occurrence

R.S. Capon

IN Aeronautics as in other branches of science, applications of the “theory of dimensions” have been of great assistance, as the customary use of coefficients, which are in effect…

The Establishment of Municipal Aerodromes: A Survey of the Arguments in their Favour with Notes on Selection of Sites and Lay‐out

Major R.H.S. Mealing

DURING the last eighteen months a large amount of my time has been devoted to the question of the establishment of municipal aerodromes in this country. In that time I have…

Engine Endurance Test: Result of Six Hundred Hours' Flying on a 95 horse‐power “Gipsy”

AN opportunity was recently afforded of inspecting in a stripped condition the De Havilland Gipsy engine, after its “endurance” test. The engine had been flown for a total of 600…

Modern British Airship Practice: The Design and Construction of R 101 and of her Power Plant described in Detail

THE general shape of the hull is one of lower fineness ratio (5.5) than has been employed in previous rigid airships and it has no parallel portion. It approximates closely to a…


The Latest Fokker Aeroplane—The F.32: Four‐engined Day and Night Flying 30‐Passenger Machine with High Speed Range

THE latest Fokker aeroplane, the F.32, is a four‐engined monoplane on familiar lines, with seats for 30 passengers, in addition to two pilots, wireless operator and steward. The…

A Note on the Range of Aircraft: Giving Data on the Factors Taken into Account in the Design of the Fairey Long‐Range Monoplane

C.R. Fairey

RANGE in any given vehicle of transport is generally understood to be the distance that it could travel without requiring to stop for any supplies necessary to maintain its normal…

A Course for Ground Engineers: VII.—Hints on the Inspection of Aircraft from the Point of View of the “B” License Holder

S.G. Young

A GROUND engineer licensed in category “B” is an inspector who is responsible for the inspection of an aircraft after overhaul. This being so, he is responsible from the raw…

Research Reports and Memoranda

Under this heading will be published regularly abstracts of all Reports and Memoranda of the Aeronautical Research Committee, Reports and Technical Notes of the U.S. National…

Month in the Patent Office: A Selection from Important Recently Published Aircraft and Aero Engine Specifications

A hollow air screw built up from sheet metal bent along a leading edge and joined along a trailing edge and having no internal stiffeners has a root end piece which is pivotally…

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  • Prof Phil Webb