Aslib Proceedings: Volume 63 Issue 6

Table of contents - Special Issue: Iranian library and information sicence research

Guest Editors: Hamid R. Jamali

A multi‐layer contextual model for recommender systems in digital libraries

Zohreh Dehghani, Ebrahim Afshar, Hamid R. Jamali, Mohammad Ali Nematbakhsh

The aim of this paper is to investigate contextual information that has an impact on the process of selection and decision making in recommender systems (RSs) in digital libraries.


Medical image resources used by health care professionals

Shahram Sedghi, Mark Sanderson, Paul Clough

Medicine is heavily dependent on images and health care professionals use medical images for clinical, educational and research purposes. This paper aims to investigate the…


How are XML‐based Marc 21 and Dublin Core records indexed and ranked by general search engines in dynamic online environments?

A. Hossein Farajpahlou, Faeze Tabatabai

The aim of this paper is to examine the indexing quality and ranking of XML content objects containing Dublin Core and MARC 21 metadata elements in dynamic online information…


The effect of funding on academic research impact: a case study of Iranian publications

Abdolrasoul Jowkar, Fereshteh Didegah, Ali Gazni

This paper's aim is to examine the citation impact of Iranian funded research publications and compare it with research which received no funding.


Role of librarians in information therapy (Ix): a comparative study of two developing countries

Vahideh Zarea Gavgani

The main aim of the study is to determine whether information therapy (Ix) services are rendered in hospital/medical libraries in Iran and India and to identify the role of…


Does information technology affect the level of information literacy?: A comparative case study of high school students

Alireza Isfandyari‐Moghaddam, Vahideh Kashi‐Nahanji

The paper's aim is to study the role of information technology (IT) in the information literacy (IL) of high school students in Hamedan (Iran) through a comparative investigation…








Online date, start – end:

1949 – 2013

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited