Aslib Proceedings: Volume 59 Issue 4/5

Table of contents - Special Issue: British Library and information schools: the research of the Department of Information Science, City University London

Guest Editors: David Bawden

Information Science at City University London

David Bawden

The paper seeks to introduce a special issue of Aslib Proceedings, which contains a series of papers written by staff and research students at the Department of Information…


Organised complexity, meaning and understanding: An approach to a unified view of information for information science

David Bawden

The paper seeks to outline an approach to a unified framework for understanding the concept of “information” in the physical, biological and human domains, and to see what links…


Healthcare libraries in Saudi Arabia: analysis and recommendations

Ahmad Khudair, David Bawden

The paper aims to gain a detailed understanding of the current health library/information environment in Saudi Arabia, to identify problems, issues, and areas for improvement, to…


Impact of digital information resources in the toxicology literature

Lyn Robinson

The purpose of the study reported here was to assess the degree to which new forms of web‐based information and communication resources impact on the formal toxicology literature…


Evaluation of web search for the information practitioner

A. MacFarlane

The aim of the paper is to put forward a structured mechanism for web search evaluation. The paper seeks to point to useful scientific research and show how information…


Parallel methods for the update of partitioned inverted files

A. MacFarlane, J.A. McCann, S.E. Robertson

An issue that tends to be ignored in information retrieval is the issue of updating inverted files. This is largely because inverted files were devised to provide fast query…


Flickr and Democratic Indexing: dialogic approaches to indexing

Pauline Rafferty, Rob Hidderley

The purpose of this paper is two‐fold: to examine three models of subject indexing (i.e. expert‐led indexing, author‐generated indexing, and user‐orientated indexing); and to…


Non‐literal copying of factual information: architecture of knowledge

Tamara Eisenschitz

The paper seeks to explore the rights of researchers to use facts gathered from previous authors, even when there are only one or a small number of sources, and also to explore…


Mixed reality (MR) interfaces for mobile information systems

David Mountain, Fotis Liarokapis

The motivation for this research is the emergence of mobile information systems where information is disseminated to mobile individuals via handheld devices. A key distinction…


Information history: its importance, relevance and future

Toni Weller

The purpose of this paper is to explore the emergent field of information history (IH) and to move towards a definition of IH. Some of the more traditional historical approaches…


Of the rich and the poor and other curious minds: on open access and “development”

Jutta Haider

The paper seeks to reconsider open access and its relation to issues of “development” by highlighting the ties the open access movement has with the hegemonic discourse of…


Continuing professional development for library and information science: Case study of a network of training centres

Lyn Robinson, Audrone Glosiene

The paper aims to describe a network of training centres (TCN‐LIS) to support continuing professional development (CPD) of library and information specialists in countries of…


Where do we go from here? An opinion on the future of LIS as an academic discipline in the UK

Toni Weller, Jutta Haider

The purpose of this paper is to discuss the current situation of academic LIS research, specifically in the UK and to provide some thoughts considering the future of the…








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1949 – 2013

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