Aslib Proceedings: Volume 35 Issue 11

Table of contents

Interpretation of copyright law—looking especially at the situation created by the new technology

Denis de Freitas

The underlying concern of copyright is with communication; the purpose of the copyright system as it exists today is to stimulate those who have something to communicate—ideas…


‘Public domain’ software

Ray Templeton

‘Public Domain’, in its clearly defined legal sense, is a phrase which is used to describe an item, usually a book or a play, which is no longer copyright, i.e. when the author of…


Copyright and computer software: the publishers' view

John Davies

The Publishers Association has been monitoring developments in new technology as they affect publishing over a period of years. The central forum for discussions has been the…


Photocopying and licensing: the publishers' view

Kenneth Pinnock

History does not repeat itself, but it sometimes needs to be repeated. What I shall attempt in this paper is to explain what publishers think about the question of copying and…


Reprography and copyright with particular reference to inter‐library lending activities—a view from the BLLD

D.N. Wood

The British Library Lending Division has been involved in the copyright debate for some time. The Division comes up against copyright issues in a number of areas of…








Online date, start – end:

1949 – 2013

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited