Aslib Proceedings: Volume 31 Issue 6

Table of contents

A list of thesauri and subject headings held in the Aslib Library

Valerie Gilbert

Aslib Library holds a collection of thesauri, subject headings and classification schemes which are used to answer members' enquiries about the existence of schemes for particular…


Inside information: social welfare practitioners and their information needs

Bill Blake, Trevor Morkham, Alison Skinner

This article sets out to chart, in a brief and therefore relatively condensed form, the development of the EISSWA Research Project since its inception in February 1977, and to…


Locally produced current awareness services

J.E. Rowley

THhe value of current awareness services has long been recognized, and the possible forms of such tools are well documented. However, little attempt has been made to study the…


Bradford's law and libraries: present applications—potential promise

M. Carl Drott, Jacqueline C. Mancall, Belver C. Griffith

Bradford's Law is presented as an observation made from the outcome of searching, rather than a mathematical development. The organization and presentation of search data is…


Reflections on the utilization of the Universal Decimal Classification

Richard Hindson

Until recently the writer participated actively in the application and development of the Universal Decimal Classification, principally by means of computer‐based techniques…








Online date, start – end:

1949 – 2013

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Emerald Publishing Limited