Aslib Proceedings: Volume 27 Issue 4

Table of contents

R and D information services: the role of the Department of Energy

A.J. van Riemsdyk

In this paper I intend to try to explain briefly and in general terms the reasons for there being a Department of Energy. I will follow that by showing why the Department needs to…


National Coal Board R&D information services

S. Conchie, B. Ramsbotham

The need for information and intelligence services has long been recognized. About 2,500 years ago an excellent service was supplied at Delphi. The Classical Dictionary attributes…


Central Electricity Generating Board R&D information services

P.R. Mullins

In a paper of this nature it is difficult to avoid presenting a catalogue in the what we do in our …' vein. Yet any claim to usefulness will probably lie in providing an outline…


British Gas R&D information services

R.E. Wiggins

Dramatic changes have taken place in the UK gas industry, particularly within the last decade. It is therefore helpful to briefly consider these changes and the role of research…


Technical information services at the BP Research Centre

D.G. Lee, P.F. Cole

BP Research Centre, Sunbury, is the principal research establishment of the BP Group and about half of BP's world‐wide research is performed there. It was established in 1917 as a…


No slick answers?—library resources to serve the offshore oil industry

R.J. Ardern

The offshore oil industry is making a profound impact on different parts of the British Isles. It is only three years since Scotland advanced into the oil age with the proving of…








Online date, start – end:

1949 – 2013

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Emerald Publishing Limited