Aslib Proceedings: Volume 60 Issue 4


Table of contents

The Google generation: the information behaviour of the researcher of the future

Ian Rowlands, David Nicholas, Peter Williams, Paul Huntington, Maggie Fieldhouse, Barrie Gunter, Richard Withey, Hamid R. Jamali, Tom Dobrowolski, Carol Tenopir

This article is an edited version of a report commissioned by the British Library and JISC to identify how the specialist researchers of the future (those born after 1993) are…


UK scholarly e‐book usage: a landmark survey

David Nicholas, Ian Rowlands, David Clark, Paul Huntington, Hamid R. Jamali, Candela Ollé

This JISC funded UK National E‐Books Observatory study is a benchmarking survey of e‐book usage and perceptions in more than 120 participating universities. The paper aims to…


Look before you leap: Learning from the experience of a flagging KM initiative at a healthcare organisation in Asia

Alton Y.K. Chua, Dion H. Goh

This paper aims to examine a flagging but yet‐to‐be abandoned knowledge management (KM) project at a healthcare organisation in Asia through a case study approach.


Web search efficacy: definition and implementation

Yazdan Mansourian

This paper aims to report a number of factors that are perceived by web users as influential elements in their search procedure. The paper introduces a new conceptual measure…


E‐learning: a nutrition and HIV/AIDS information tool

Leonie Steyn, Johannes C. Cronjé, Theo J.D. Bothma

This paper aims to examine how e‐learning can add value to a postgraduate distance learning course using a combination of media for teaching and learning in the field of nutrition…

Competitive intelligence: construct exploration, validation and equivalence

Andrea Saayman, Jaco Pienaar, Patrick de Pelsmacker, Wilma Viviers, Ludo Cuyvers, Marie‐Luce Muller, Marc Jegers

Little empirical research has been conducted on competitive intelligence (CI). This paper aims to contribute to the quantitative strand of the CI literature by exploring and…








Online date, start – end:

1949 – 2013

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited