Aslib Proceedings: Volume 52 Issue 8
Table of contents
Comment When did peer review become anonymous?
A.D. MaddenAnonymous peer review is an important part of the process by which academic information is evaluated. Some of the problems associated with the process are discussed below…
The London Mayoral websites:cyberdemocracy or cybermediocracy?
Caroline Auty, Alison CowenThe London Mayoral Election of 4 May 2000 was probably the first in British electoral history when all the candidates had established a presence in cyberspace. An analysis of the…
Studying the impacts of the Internet without assuming technological determinism
John A. DalyDeveloping countries generally have low levels of Internet services, and as a result require different approaches to impact measurement than developed countries. A conceptual…
Information skills training in support of a joint electronic library in Glasgow: the GAELS Project approach to library courseware development
Nick Joint, Bob Kemp, Susan AshworthThe GAELS Project is a two‐year project funded by the Scottish Higher Education Funding Council (SHEFC) strategic change initiative, which promotes collaborative information…