Aslib Proceedings: Volume 50 Issue 4
Table of contents
Facing up to dilemmas: conflicting ethics and the modern information professional
Michael W. HillThere are two categories of ethical behaviour which affect the MIP. The first and most often discussed, includes those principles which encourage working for the welfare and…
Organising competitive intelligence activities in a corporate organisation
Anneli PirttiläThis study discusses the problems of organising competitive intelligence activities in a corporate organisation. Traditionally in many large corporations the collection…
SDI Processing for search profiles in online databases
Nasser AnsariThe term “Intelligent Agent” can be understood in many different ways. One notable working Intelligent Agent is the Alert Service offered for the retrieval of international…
Surfing through the Internet — the new content of teenagers' spare time
Franci PivecThe appearance of the Internet brings changes into social context and into the cultural and moral experience of people. This applies especially to teenagers, who are attracted to…