Aslib Proceedings: Volume 48 Issue 11/12
Table of contents
Graduate education in library, archive and information science in Ghana
JE KorsahTo meet the challenges of a wide variety of jobs involved in library and information work, trained personnel are a sine qua non. This paper discusses the training of library and…
Incorporating abstract generation into an online retrieval interface for a library newspaper cutting system
S.C. Hui, A. GohThe newspaper is a very widely used medium for transmitting news and information in today's society. Some of the published information is very important and therefore required to…
Veterinary information: sources and use
David Bawden, Caroline ValleleyThis paper discusses the sources of information available for veterinary science, and their use by practitioners. It is divided into three sections: a background discussion, based…
Local poets and libraries
Eric RatcliffeA survey by questionnaire was conducted in order to obtain details of criteria employed in libraries in the shelving of the works of local poets in local collections or on the…
Sir, We need idealists like Elspeth Hyams (Proceedings, September 1996), but sometimes idealism obscures hard reality. At least she has the grace to say that she is optimistic…