Aslib Proceedings: Volume 47 Issue 10
Table of contents
A new era in machine translation research
John HutchinsIn the 1980s the dominant framework of MT was essentially ‘rule‐based’, e.g. the linguistics‐based approaches of Ariane, METAL, Eurotra, etc.; or the knowledge‐based approaches at…
IT — a glimpse of the future
Peter CochraneOur ability to generate information and transport it about the planet on superhighways of optical fibre is about to change the way in which we communicate, work and live. There is…
Is electronic publishing viable? An analysis of the factors of electronic publishing affecting viability in bibliographic and reference publishing
David Butcher, Jennifer RowleyThere is currently a general air of euphoria concerning the potential for electronic publishing on CD‐ROM and over the Internet. Yet many publishers are proceeding cautiously and…