Aslib Proceedings: Volume 35 Issue 2


Table of contents

British Telecom and the communications industry after Beesley

F. Lawson

It has been said recently that British Telecom, its customers and a very important part of British industry, the telecommunications industry, are undergoing a revolution in their…

Information and satellite technology

R. Morris

I shall divide my paper into three parts:

The BLEND‐LINC project on ‘electronic journals’ after two years

B. Shackel, D.J. Pullinger, T.I. Maud, W.P. Dodd

This paper describes the progress after 2 years of a 3½ year experimental programme organised jointly by two Universities as the Birmingham and Loughborough Electronic Network…

The impact of new technology on the information profession

M.A. Simkins

Before considering the impact of new technological developments on the future of the information profession, I want first to look at our present position as a result of the…

The influence of technology on professional curricula

K.J. McGarry

My paper deals with three pivotal and interrelated problems: the growth of information technology: a cluster of professions involved in various ways with this recorded…

The role of the professional organisation

Dennis A. Lewis

Those were the final words of Leslie Wilson's retirement address to the Aslib Annual Conference in Edinburgh four years ago almost to the day.







Online date, start – end:

1949 – 2013

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Emerald Publishing Limited