Aslib Proceedings: Volume 34 Issue 3
Table of contents
British Library supported research in agricultural, biological and medical information
Margaret O'HareI should like to describe the work of the biological, argricultural and medical information Review Panels and examine their impact on the information scene in these sectors within…
Translation on a limited budget
C.H.A. FleurentI could quote many more examples of linguistic difficulties facing the managers, research workers, salesmen and other staff for whom we provide a service. You are all familiar…
The machine aided translator
Barbara SnellHow can a translator's valuable time be saved by the use of electronic equipment? Modern aids—primarily word processors but also telecopiers, dictation equipment and optical…
Monitoring the demand for the service: of academic libraries—the survey as a library management tool for capital services
Jim Basker, Saxon BrettellA decision on the allocation of seating space within an academic library requires information on the complex pattern of behaviour of library users in relation to the services of…
The use of Prestel in libraries on Budget Day
Margaret Bruce, John LangrishThe paper describes a study carried out on Budget Day, 10 March 1981. The behaviour of user groups and the problems encountered in accessing viewdata were observed in four…
The UK Serials Group
David P. WoodworthThe first tentative steps towards establishing some form of organization catering for those interested in serials was taken after a conference organized by Blackwells, the Oxford…