Aslib Proceedings: Volume 34 Issue 2
Table of contents
Serials control
D.F. ShawSerials control is thought to be the most difficult of library housekeeping processes to automate. No automated serials control system has yet been demonstrated to be…
Matching user needs in health care
Ginny Brember, Peter LeggateThis paper outlines the pattern of library services available to staff in the National Health Service (N.H.S.) and gives a preliminary report of a study of library usage and of…
CODATA: meeting the needs of the scientific community
D.G. WatsonBefore CODATA was established the collection, compilation, evaluation and publication of scientific numeric data was largely uncoordinated. These activities were in the hands of…
To charge or not to charge—who pays for the information
Martin M. AylwardIn any socieity the costs of providing goods and services inevitably will have to be borne by that society. Information is no exception, in that there is a direct cost or…
Photocopying rights and wrongs: a librarian's view
Raymond A. WallControversy was aroused by the Whitford Report of 1977. Library professional bodies and others argued strongly against the Report and recommended alternative approaches to cover…
The case for copyright
John DaviesThose of you who have been addicted to watching television for as long as I have may remember some years ago that the BBC produced a series called ‘The Lions' Den’. The purpose of…
The electronic future—impact on work and society
T. StonierWe have slipped into a new society without quite noticing it, as a result of the electronic revolution, and we are still bumbling along in the old ways while a third revolution…