Aslib Proceedings: Volume 34 Issue 11
Table of contents
Non‐conventional literature: Chairman's introduction
Peter AugerToday's conference is fortunate in being able to call on expert speakers with wide experience in national libraries, local government, education, industry and the EEC. The subject…
Grey literature — the role of the British Library Lending Division
David WoodIn the days of the National Lending Library, the policy of what is now the British Library Lending Division was simply to develop and promote the use of a collection of worthwhile…
Market research reports, house journals and trade literature
David KingThis paper defines market research reports, house journals and trade literature, discusses the availability of these forms of literature within the U.K. and finally considers…
Local government information: a ‘grey’ area
Barry NuttallIt has been estimated that in 1980 local government in Britain produced about 50,000 documents. In the same year the British National Bibliography included 42,000 publications and…
Grey literature online: the GLC experience
Tim OwenI can remember quite clearly the scene in the information officers' room at the Research Library in County Hall, the morning after the 1981 GLC elections—what an age ago it seems…
Commercial sources of non‐conventional literature: the Catalogue of British Official Publications not published by HMSO and Business and Government
Charles Chadwyck‐HealeyI consider that the title of my contribution is perhaps somewhat misleading because when I first became aware of the huge mass of official publications that were by‐passing HMSO I…
The System for Information on Grey Literature in Europe (SIGLE)
J. Michel Gibb, Marcel MauriceFor several decades much effort has been devoted to the improvement of access to scientific and technical literature. Standards and rules have been established for bibliographic…
Grey literature worldwide: the UAP programme
Stephen VickersThe title of this paper rather implies that UAP is concerned specifically with grey literature, therefore I shall begin with some clarification of the UAP programme. While…