Aslib Proceedings: Volume 33 Issue 9
Table of contents
Word processing and information management
John WhiteheadEveryone here tonight must be aware by now that we have entered a new, technological era—in fact, a second industrial revolution. If you are not aware of the new developments…
LASER and Prestel
Jean PlaisterThe majority of librarians and information officers are uncertain about Prestel. As yet, they are probably wise to be wary but not I maintain, chicken‐hearted. We do not yet know…
Effect of online services on purchases of a printed index
Susan Childs, Michael CarmelThis paper reviews the trend of purchasing of a printed index (Index Medicus) within one regional health authority. It shows that as the machine readable counterpart (Medline) has…
Teaching the use of information resources (TUIR) and the schools of librarianship
Sheila AptedReplies to a short questionnaire sent to the 18 schools of librarianship and information studies in the British Isles indicate that most schools include short or long units on…
The IAP Library at King Abdulaziz International Airport
George McMurdoThe scope and activities of the library of the International Airports Projects (IAP) office of the Ministry of Defence and Aviation, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, are described. The…
The work of the Aslib Research Department
P.H. VickersThe purpose of this paper is to review recent and current work of the Aslib Research and Consultancy Division, with special emphasis on its research funded by the British Library…