Aslib Proceedings: Volume 30 Issue 8
Table of contents
Health and Safety Executive Laboratories' Libraries
Sheila PantryUnder the terms of the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974, the Health and Safety Commission (HSC) was formed on 1st October 1974. The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) was…
Weldasearch—the development of a small computerized data base
J.M. LoaderFrom modest beginning a decade ago and foresight in the planning stages has grown an inexpensive, efficient and effective on‐line retrieval system. This paper traces the…
Forthcoming events bulletin
Muriel E. Forward, Margaret A. SelbyBeecham Pharmaceuticals Research Division employs about 1,000 people engaged on pharmaceutical research and development. These are at present distributed over five major and…
Evaluation of abstract journals and other sources consulted for 75 literature searches on food science and food technology
O. van der Veer, J.P. KoogerFor seventy‐five literature searches on food science recorded, in forty or more sources consulted (primarily abstract journals and documentation centres) the references were…