Aslib Proceedings: Volume 27 Issue 3
Table of contents
The future pattern of information services for industry and commerce
David ScarfeThe origins of information and library services in British industry and commerce are not well documented, and are a difficult field of study for the historian: much early activity…
The need for versatility in a small research library environment
Shirley Lowndes, Ian SharpThe need for change in the management and administration of libraries is now well recognized. Current thought seems to be largely devoted to systems analysis and streamlining of…
The costing of library systems
D.W.G. ClementsLibraries, like other organizations, are bodies trying to achieve certain objectives within set financial constraints and it is desirable that they operate as effectively as…
Architects' wants and needs for information, demonstrated through a university‐based information service
Christine SnowArchitects' requirements for information, related both to their jobs and to the information itself, are little studied, as shown by the few user requirement surveys in this…