Aslib Proceedings: Volume 27 Issue 2
Table of contents
The European Connection: international co‐operation in the use of information resources
Raymond K. AppleyardSome current trends, problems and principles of co‐operation in the use of international information sources as seen from the viewpoint of the European Communities, together with…
Basic bibliographic control: plans for a world system
A.H. ChaplinA necessary foundation of library and information services is knowledge of what documentary material exists. Since no field of knowledge and no geographical area can generate…
The Intermediate Lexicon: an aid to international co‐operation
Verina HorsnellThis approach to co‐operation between libraries and information centres considers the use of switching languages. These can be employed in situations where several centres with a…
Access to information from the USSR and Eastern Europe
G.P.M. WalkerWestern users of information from and about the area: types and characteristics. Sources of published information in the area: organisation and control of publishing activity…