Aslib Proceedings: Volume 25 Issue 9
Table of contents
Preparation for library management: contribution of the library schools
L.G. PatrickToo often in the past we have been content with vocational training in technical skills; this contentment both arose from and helped to give rise to relatively static situations…
INSCOPE: a co‐ordinate index in the field of applied economics
C.P.R. DuboisA description is given of an optical coincidence feature card co‐ordinate index for retrieval of information on commodity economics. The nature of the subject language and…
Adverse drug reaction reports; their storage and retrieval
Michael R. SlaterThere is a statutory obligation for pharmaceutical companies to record reports of adverse reactions to their drugs. The storage and retrieval of these reports, within an operating…
The London Classification of Business Studies: TOWARDS A REVISED EDITION
K.G.B. BakewellThe London Classiffcation of Business Studies (LCBS) has now been published for 3 years and is used by at least 17 British and 11 overseas libraries. Twenty‐eight users might not…
This compilation sets out to cover systematically British and American abbreviations and acronyms in particular areas of science and technology, including mechanical engineering…