Aslib Proceedings: Volume 13 Issue 12
Table of contents
ASLIB PROCEEDINGS: incorporating Aslib Information
Winter meetings will be held at 5.30 for 6 p.m. on Tuesday 23rd January and Wednesday 21st February at Aslib. On 23rd January Mr Clifford Hatts, a Senior Designer in the BBC…
INFORMATION AT WORK: The 27th Conference of the International Federation for Documentation
For the first time since 1938 one of the periodic unrestricted conferences of the FID was held in England. It took place in London, at the Caxton Hall, from 6th to 16th September…
Letter to the Editor
Dear Madam, Most of the problems raised by Professor Revans in his paper to the FID/ Aslib Conference are not peculiar to the subject of management, but as classification problems…
All items listed may be borrowed from the Aslib Library, except those marked, which may be consulted in the library.