Quantitative Analysis of Social and Financial Market Development: Volume 30

Table of contents
(12 chapters)Abstract
This study aims to examine the influence of related party transactions (RPTs), political connection (POLCON), board of directors (BOD), institutional ownership (IO), information asymmetry, audit quality (AQ), and leverage (LEV) on real earnings management (REM). The company used in this research is manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange from 2017 to 2019. The number of research samples is 192 firm years data. This study shows that RPTs, POLCON, IA, and LEV affect REM. In contrast, the BOD, IO, and AQ do not affect REM.
This study analyzes the impact of exchange rate volatility (ERV) on inbound tourist arrivals from four ASEAN countries namely Indonesia, the Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand during 1970–2017. Volatility in the exchange rates between the tourist currency and ringgit Malaysia is measured using the Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity model. The results from Autoregressive Distributed Lagged models indicate that ERV has no significant impact on tourist arrivals from ASEAN to Malaysia. This implies that tourists from these countries may not be sensitive to ERV when choosing Malaysia as their travel destination. There are two possible explanations for the results. First, Malaysian ringgit has been depreciating against major currencies and regional currencies in recent years, which makes ringgit relatively cheaper than other ASEAN currencies. Second, the empirical results of the study support the argument that ERV has a more serious impact on tourist spending compared to tourist arrivals.
A cheaper yen gives foreign investors strong incentives to buy Japanese Government Bonds (JGBs) of 5 and 10 years under the comprehensive easing policy regime. The purchase of JGBs by foreign investors using a cheaper yen funded on a negative basis in the long-term basis swap market contributes to the declining yield of JGBs under the comprehensive easing policy regime. When the Bank of Japan introduced a quantitative and qualitative easing policy, and then a negative interest rate policy, the trend observed under the comprehensive easing policy changed. This was because long-term basis swap rate tended not to decline under the quantitative and qualitative easing policy and negative interest rate policy regimes in comparison with under the comprehensive easing policy regime.
This study uses an event study approach which is the development of the efficient market hypothesis theory. First, the random walk test was conducted on the Jakarta Composite Index (JCI) to test the efficiency in the weak form. Furthermore, event study analysis was carried out on JCI and nine sectoral indices to determine the impact of COVID-19 related events on price movements. The study found that JCI prices follow a random walk pattern so that the stock market in Indonesia is efficient, at least in a weak form. In the event study testing, only events related to the first confirmed case of COVID-19 and the implementation of large-scale social restriction in Indonesia affected the composite index. From a sectoral point of view, only the event of Jakarta’s call center had no impact on price changes in the sectoral index. Thus, each index had a different effect throughout the event. The reaction seen from the movement of prices for the composite and sectoral index to the public information explains that the condition of the Indonesian capital market is efficient, at least in semi-strong form.
E-wallet is one of the financial technology (fintech) products. In Indonesia, e-wallet is still in the growing stage. Many e-wallet providers are attracted to join the market every year, and the competition becomes tighter, focusing on customer acquisition. Promotion is launched, burning much cash in making the promotion. However, cash-burning does not guarantee that customers will use one e-wallet. Customer satisfaction is an important key element of success and continuous use in information systems and e-commerce contexts. This research aims to investigate the satisfaction of e-wallet customer in Indonesia, focusing on and extending the trust role. This study adopted the model proposed by Geebren, Jabbar, and Luo (2021), which is an extension of information system success model. This research used Structural Equation Modeling with Partial Least Squares to analyze the data. It was found that factors that influence customer satisfaction are trust, system quality, information quality, service quality, and structural assurance. The authors found that trust positively affects customer satisfaction, and trust plays a vital role in customer satisfaction. Also, trust has a role as partial and full mediators. It is suggested that e-wallet providers should consider enhancing customer satisfaction.
This study provides evidence that financial performance becomes a foundation of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) activities, and it will be appreciated positively by the market through the firm value. This examination is triggered by different views of ESG activities, such as philanthropy, doing business ethically, the indirect benefit for shareholders, or maintaining reputation. Therefore, it causes differences in ESG activity appreciation by market. Meanwhile, corporate social responsibility (CSR) activity is voluntary in Indonesia, so this activity aims to maintain reputation or avoid risk allegations according to environmental and social abuse. This study predicts that a stable firm’s financial performance concerns environmental and social issues. This study uses 139 companies from Indonesian Stock Market Data from 2013 to 2019, which fulfill the criteria of Thompson Reuters for ESG score. The empirical evidence shows that firm financial performance influences ESG score consistently as the antecedent. Further, ESG performance mediates the effect of firm financial performance on firm value. This research contributes to stakeholder theory, CSR practice, and good governance.
This study aims to explore information related to higher education strategies and policies to support knowledge sharing activities. This study involved 21 informants from several private universities in Java. The results showed that the strategies and policies of knowledge sharing are related to funding support for conducting research, attending seminars or workshops, forming scientific discussion forums that facilitate knowledge sharing activities. Publication of books, journals, or other academic products such as modules, patents, and publication of articles in journals or magazines are the most important knowledge sharing activities and the support of the internet, e-mail, and mobile phone technology plays an important role in knowledge sharing activities. Helping one another, learning from each other, and sharing new information with each other are the main motivations for encouraging knowledge sharing activities, while time constraints are a major obstacle in sharing knowledge among others.
Capital structure is vital to every company because it has a huge impact on the company’s financial decisions. The ultimate goal of the company is to effectively mix the debt-to-equity ratio (DER) to maximize the shareholder value. When the Covid-19 pandemic was officially announced in early March 2020, widespread negative effects started to affect almost all industries in Indonesia. The hotel, restaurant, and tourism industry is considered to be one of the most severely affected industry categories. It is important to pay attention to the role of this industry in Indonesia’s overall economy as it contributes to Indonesia’s gross domestic product at 6.1% in 2019. The objective of this study was to address the effects on the formation of capital structure of firm-specific characteristics among a sample of 26 active hotels, restaurants, and tourism companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The authors used the data from the second and third quarters of 2019 to represent the period before the pandemic. Meanwhile, the period during the pandemic is represented by the data from the second and third quarters of 2020. Using the random-effects model to test the hypotheses, the authors found that asset tangibility, tax shield, and earnings volatility had significant positive correlations with book leverage. Furthermore, tax shield and earnings volatility had significantly positive relationships with DER. The authors also detected that size and earnings volatility had significant negative correlations with net equity. However, the authors found no significant relationship between capital structure and the pandemic dummy. It was inferred from the results that the pandemic had no effect on capital structure within the research period.
In the context of the intensification of the diffusion of innovations, organizations are faced with the problem of mobilizing resources in order to accelerate the introduction of new technical systems. At the same time, at present, many enterprises are experiencing financial difficulties and therefore introduce investment restrictions on the development of the organization’s human resources. The chapter presents the models of changes in the dynamics of growth in the economic efficiency of the introduction of new technical systems, depending on the amount of investments directed to the development of human capital. The importance of investment in human capital in the implementation of the organization’s innovation policy is shown.
With the rising of “religious fever” in China rural area, the authors inquire the reason why it happened. First, the authors explore the group characteristics which could affect both happiness and the religion belief of Chinese rural elderly. The authors analyze the micro-data of “thousand village surveys” data of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics by using Order Logit and Propensity Score Matching (PSM) method. These results show that when the elderly people have the following features related to health such as: feeling psychological loneliness, not obtaining the good management of chronic disease in the village, and not being participated in new rural cooperative medical system are more likely to believe in religious in the rural areas. And the authors also find these Chinese rural elderlies who believe in religion are less happy than atheism elderly actually (by PSM). Believing in religion is not the solution and maybe the way these elderly resorts to when they encounter health problem.

- 10.1108/S1571-0386202230
- Publication date
- 2022-10-03
- Book series
- International Symposia in Economic Theory and Econometrics
- Editors
- Series copyright holder
- Emerald Publishing Limited
- 978-1-80117-921-8
- 978-1-80117-920-1
- Book series ISSN
- 1571-0386