Teacher Education in the Wake of Covid-19: Volume 41
ISATT 40th Anniversary Yearbook
Table of contents
(26 chapters)Section 1 History of ISATT
This brief history of the International Study Association on Teachers and Teaching (ISATT) documents developments and trends during the decade 2013–2023. To situate recent ISATT history, we begin with an overview of the association's first 30 years (1983–2012). The dominant theme of those early years was developing ISATT as a recognized and influential professional organization connecting researchers on teaching and teacher education from a growing list of nations and regions of the world. During the most recent decade, there has been a concerted effort toward broad internationalization through biennial conferences and regional meetings, and a growing network of national representatives from across the world. Also, the ISATT journal, Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, the journal, which began in 1995, has published hundreds of peer-reviewed articles written by more than 1000 authors and coauthors, contributing to a growing body of knowledge about teaching and teacher education in many cultures. In the last 20 years and especially in the past 10, the locations of ISATT meetings have become significantly more diverse, following a trend of greater internationalization compared with ISATT's European and North American beginnings. At the same time, the number of ISATT members remains stable and small thereby preserving a collegial and collaborative tone in our exchanges. In sum, ISATT's recent decade finds the association intellectually healthy, successful in managing the challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic, and enriched by the proliferation of multinational points of view and styles of research.
Section 2 Tributes
Section 3 The Educational Fallout of the COVID-19 Pandemic
Teacher educators' emotions are shaped by the fluctuating conditions of their work and variable interactions with students and colleagues. Many studies report on emotions in classrooms and teachers' regulation of emotion, yet there is limited research on emotion in teacher education. This chapter focuses on emotions that teacher educators from diverse contexts encountered during the Covid-19 pandemic. Data were written responses and interviews from teacher educators from 29 countries. Coding included identifying explicit and implicit emotion, the mood of the narrative/interview, and categorizing by theme. A shared excel sheet was used for comparison, which generated emergent themes. Interrater reliability was established using 7 data sets; the remaining were individually coded following the same procedure, then discussed. Common emotional experiences were expressed across all countries, save 3, despite the different people and cultures. Although not representative of the entire country, in general, seven themes emerged, which are: (1) feeling sorrow (2) feelings of optimism, (3) concern for future of teaching, (4) concerns for student mental and professional well-being, (5) fulfilment with ethic of care in higher education, (6) concerns over inequity, and (7) efforts in resilience. Viewed as a whole, the future of teacher education is made apparent. Despite the divergent contexts, the state of concern and goals are similar. Such insight can provide guidance for supporting teacher educators' careers, well-being, and professional development.
During the Covid-19 crisis, schools around the world at all levels had to respond to the situation most often without any preparation or time to reorganize their teaching. This chapter investigates how the Covid-19 pandemic amplified the need for equity and how teacher agency evolved through this time period. The study was qualitative and data were collected from 29 individuals from the same number of countries through narratives, and virtual interviews written responses to semi-structured questions. This chapter focuses on two main concepts: equity and agency. The authors met 18 times to work with the data, clarifying understanding of concepts, analyzing meanings, and writing up findings. Findings indicate that equity of access to online teaching and learning was a major challenge during the early stages of the pandemic lockdowns. However, many universities initiated some innovative strategies to minimize the inequities created by the migration to online learning platforms. Both educators' and students' agency evolved during the online and digital tuition provisions and made some agentic decisions that impacted their teaching and learning, respectively. During the Covid-19 pandemic, educators had much to say about their teaching online. Their experience and thinking can be leveraged in discussions about the best way forward after the pandemic experience. The mutual learning that we experienced collaborating internationally in this study points to the significance of using online facility to create and enhance solidarity among educators globally.
The disruption caused by the Covid-19 pandemic necessitated a move from face-to-face teaching to fully online teaching, creating new challenges and opportunities for educators. In this chapter we explore how instructors' practices were affected by this emergency situation and the nature of changes in their conception of teaching/learning and their roles as teacher educators. Data from interviews and narratives contributed by a large number of educators spanning a variety of educational and geographical contexts have been analyzed using Lewin's three-stage model of change. This is cross-referenced against a theoretical framework informed by a sociocultural view of teaching and learning to examine the transformative nature of teaching and learning promoted by pandemic pedagogical practices. The findings show that educators' practices have necessarily had to evolve or even change significantly in order to fit the new online instructional mode. However, it is not possible to establish that these were largely transformative in nature beyond serving the existing institutional outcome needs more or less efficiently. This implies that further investment is needed in teacher education to facilitate remote teaching, redesign teaching, and reconsider technology in new ways which go beyond it being a simple tool for the transmission of knowledge. Equally important would be to support educators to put ‘Maslow before Bloom,’ meaning that safety and well-being must be given priority over teaching and learning as the mental, emotional, and physical challenges experienced during the pandemic will continue to linger post pandemic.
In higher education, the usual assessment methods are oral or written exams, multiple-choice questions, and individual or group written essays. However, in a distance learning context, it is often necessary to offer students more support, including formative assessment and self-assessment strategies. International reports have shown that teachers have adapted their learning assessment strategies during the Covid-19 pandemic. How did educators adapt their assessment strategies recently during the pandemic? What are the intentions underlying their decision-making? Our objective is to understand the decision-making process of teacher educators and university teachers in adapting their methodology for assessing student learning during the pandemic. To answer these questions, we adopted a qualitative research approach. We collected data from 29 different countries via: (1) open-ended questionnaires, (2) personal accounts, (3) unstructured interviews, and (4) a specific questionnaire about assessment. Four main categories emerged from our data: (1) challenges, (2) assessment practices, (3) changes in teachers' perceptions and practices, and (4) reflection on assessment. The findings suggest that (1) uses of technology for assessment have developed strongly; (2) careful coordination among colleagues is very important; (3) educators developed formative assessment strategies; and (4) educators' reflections have focused on many challenges: ethical, technical, and pedagogical.
Section 4 Technology in Education
There is an urgency to build a critical view of information and communication technologies in society and education in order to harness their pedagogical potential. Generally, the Covid-19 pandemic demanded transformation, which is one of the possibilities in times of crisis. Despite the pandemic exposing digital exclusion in many parts of the planet, digital technologies concurrently have overcome, at least in part, social isolation through the provision of remote activities. The functionality of technologies motivated the question that guides the present investigation: how does the use of technologies before, during, and after the pandemic period appear in the products of the ISATT academic community? The objective is to come to know the contribution of ISATT and the degree to which its input is current and relevant. To meet our goal, we conducted an exploratory study gathering data by means of Google Form questionnaire. ISATT members invited to answer the questionnaire were also participants in the survey. Our intent is to map and describe the relationship between technology and creative teaching and categorize the different approaches used. Our analysis will allow ISATT community members to evaluate their interests, foci, trends, and contributions.
The field of teaching technologies is in constant interplay between educational and industrial advances. Since the beginning of the twenty-first century, digitalization and automatization have become increasingly important. In industrial and social life, we see similar fast-moving developments. These factors challenge education, specifically vocational education, greatly, and raise two very different, yet very much connected questions: how to prepare students for their vocational lives and how to prepare teachers to communicate the necessary competencies to their students? This chapter provides an overview of advances, challenges, and possible solutions, focusing on the three key fields of vocational education in Germany: Industry 4.0, Education 4.0, and innovative teacher education. Most importantly, however, the text examines the continuous interplay between and among these fields. The beginning of the chapter is dedicated to vocational teacher education, in accordance with industrial and educational advances. Specifying this, characteristics of Industry 4.0, as well as students' and teachers' perceptions of Industry 4.0, are discussed. This is followed by an introduction to the concept of so-called learning factories as a possible way of integrating aspects of Industry 4.0 in German vocational schools. The end of the chapter is dedicated to the required changes in educational settings today and in the future. Though Industry 4.0, Education 4.0, and innovative teacher education are each widely discussed in the current literature, the interplay of all three fields reveals a research gap. This chapter tries to close this gap and provide an important contribution to the research field.
Isolated within the communist Eastern Block until 1989, Romania has been experiencing numerous educational reforms, initiated by the National Ministry of Education and generally aligned with the European Union goals through the Bologna Treaty. The socioeconomic macrosystem is an important source of influence and we are looking at its main directions. Scholarship on the topic of teaching and learning in Romania is emergent but Computer-Assisted-Teaching (CAT) education in Romania remains insufficiently explored, despite the ever-growing need. This chapter analyzes the state of CAT formative programs for the preservice and the in-service teachers at Lucian Blaga University in Sibiu, Romania. We are now using the lessons learned from the Covid-19 crisis to reflect on new needs for digital competencies, Professional Development (PD), and proposed systemic changes. Such professional training is offered first during the university years, during the BA and MA studies. At the university level, the teacher training curriculum includes CAT, while for the in-service teachers, the PD continues through a combination of self-pursued and mandatory teacher training sessions offered by the regional school districts, universities, and professional organizations. CAT PD is not usually the focus of teacher preparation degree programs; the computer-assisted teaching course during teachers' training program offers a general, introductory perspective on using technology in teaching. For in-service teachers, most specialized PD happens independently and/or through self-teaching. The Covid-19 crisis created not only the urgent need to learn how to teach online but also the awareness that computer-assisted teaching PD needs certain changes.
Leading up to and now living amid the Covid-19 pandemic, teachers are faced with strong incentives, even pressure to adopt and use digital technologies. Previous research has focused on teaching with digital technologies as a matter of believing in their importance and receiving specific preparation for integration strategies. Further, teaching with technologies must appear “seamless” during instruction to not distract from what is regarded to be the more important subject matter knowledge. In this chapter, I review and problematize digital instruction focused on convincing teachers to integrate strategies that use digital technologies in a “seamless” way and then propose an alternative view emphasizing posthumanist, relational views of integrating digital technologies.
- 10.1108/S1479-3687202341
- Publication date
- 2023-06-09
- Book series
- Advances in Research on Teaching
- Editors
- Series copyright holder
- Emerald Publishing Limited
- 978-1-80455-463-0
- 978-1-80455-462-3
- Book series ISSN
- 1479-3687