Entrepreneurship Development in the Balkans: Perspective from Diverse Contexts

Cover of Entrepreneurship Development in the Balkans: Perspective from Diverse Contexts


Entrepreneurship Development in the Balkans directly engages questions of innovation and risk management within various types of entrepreneurship, including female, social, migrant, and corporate entrepreneurship in the context of the Balkans.

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(17 chapters)

The study of entrepreneurship has advanced quickly in recent decades; however, despite its extraordinary importance, the information on the influence of family on entrepreneurial intentions remains fragmented and hard to compare. Therefore, the main objective of this chapter is to give readers a thorough grasp of family enterprises’ entrepreneurial aspirations. It will also assess how previous experience in family businesses affects one’s ambition to start their own firm. For this matter, the authors will use data acquired from the GUESSS (Global University Entrepreneurial Spirit Students’ Survey), the survey carried out among college students in different Balkan countries: North Macedonia, Albania, Greece, Croatia, and Bulgaria. The reader will be introduced to the up-to-date scientific research in the area of entrepreneurial intentions, through receiving an increased understanding of whether the role of parents has influence over the entrepreneurial intentions of their offspring.


In this book chapter, we analyse social entrepreneurship (SE) development in the Western Balkans and present a regional overview. SE has become a globally known contributor to alleviating societal, economic, social, and environmental concerns. Its influence on increasing people’s quality of life has put the concept on a pedestal, and the Balkans are no different. The new advances have increased the efforts from the third sector in advocating for increased visibility, recognition, and support for social enterprises (SEs) as contributors to the development of resilient communities and facilitating the countries’ recovery from economic, social, and environmental crises. To provide a regional development overview, we use the institutional perspective. We base the analysis on data by applying qualitative methods, including document analysis, conference speeches, round tables, consultations, and other impactful events conducted over the last decade. The evidence suggests that the Western Balkan countries are similar in their development and lack a clear vision, a strategic pathway, and sustainable solutions to accelerate the sector’s growth. The awareness of the SEs’ contributions is still low, hindering their impact and potential scalability. Raising awareness campaigns is much needed to increase SEs’ visibility, recognition, revenues, and financial sustainability. Intersectoral collaboration is not at a suitable level, and the coordination and partnerships between the SE actors are lacking. The region needs to make a significant and consistent effort to facilitate the sector’s development and support SEs to provide the expected societal impact.


Green entrepreneurship is gaining more attention as the interest in sustainability is growing. This is mainly because consumer awareness is rising and thus many regulations have been implied and several research are proving positive relationship from the use of green entrepreneurship. Using enterprise data for the Republic of Albania (ALB), this study examines the effects of green entrepreneurship on firm performance. Our findings when we investigate the determinants of firm performance, the green entrepreneurship, certification, innovation activities, foreign ownership, and monitoring energy appear to have a positive impact on firm performance, while the effect of direct export is negative.


Similar to other countries of former Yugoslavia, Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) is still regarded to be a transitional economy, both from the social, political, and economic perspectives. In this regard, it is important to note that political agendas and economic strategies are still not satisfactory for the development of entrepreneurial activities. There are serious deficiency issues in regard to entrepreneurship ecosystem in BiH. This chapter describes 10 elements of the entrepreneurial ecosystem (EES) and their implications on the EES outlook of BiH.


Despite the important role of entrepreneurial implementation intentions for closing the intention-behavior gap, empirical evidence on their drivers and mechanisms is scant and inconclusive. In the case of college students’ technology-driven entrepreneurship, the objective of the present study is to examine whether implementation intentions are contingent on the university environment in which the progression from entrepreneurial intentions to subsequent actions unfolds. The sample for this study is composed of 299 Bulgarian STEM students, who reported technology-based entrepreneurial intentions. A binary logistic regression is applied to examine four specific mechanisms that facilitate or impede the students’ actual implementation intentions. Findings suggest that students enrolled in universities that provide greater concept development support are more likely to have formed specific implementation intentions, while students in more research-intensive universities are less likely to do so. Practitioner implications and recommendations for future research are provided.


The purpose of this chapter is to present and review: (a) the development of social entrepreneurship in Croatia over the last 10 years; (b) the current state and perspective of the development of social entrepreneurship; and (c) strategic documents related to social entrepreneurship with an emphasis on the Strategy for the Development of Social Entrepreneurship 2015–2020 which was an essential document for the promotion and financing of social entrepreneurship. At the beginning of the chapter, the historical reasons for the emergence of the concept of social entrepreneurship are briefly described. Next, entrepreneurship is defined, then entrepreneur, and later the concepts of social entrepreneurship and social entrepreneur are introduced with an emphasis on the differences between commercial and social entrepreneurship. After the basic concepts have been explained, the chapter focusses on social entrepreneurship in Croatia: (a) the types of legal forms in which a social enterprise can be initiated, are listed due to the absence of a separate legal form in Croatian legislation; (b) several examples of positive practices were presented; and (c) the Social Entrepreneurship Development Strategy was analysed by comparing planned and executed activities and allocated and implemented resources. Unfortunately, the strategy did not achieve the expected effect and boosted social entrepreneurship’s development, which slowed growth. Social entrepreneurship in Croatia is still in its initial development phase, and a colossal opportunity has been missed. The government and other stakeholders must make additional efforts to develop social entrepreneurship in Croatia.


The global shipping industry has been rocked by a wave of disruptive innovation driven by a thriving ecosystem of digital technology start-ups that have emerged in the last few years and set up offices in Greece. After the appearance of COVID-19, entrepreneurial leadership has grown in importance for guiding commercial shipping through times of exceptional circumstances. The problem is that there is a lack of understanding of the experiences of Greek digital entrepreneurs launching their tech start-ups within the maritime sector – from the initial vision to a real-world innovative business disruptor. We aim to answer the questions of who the Greek digital entrepreneur in the maritime sector is and how their entrepreneurial actions contribute to a growing knowledge base of digital entrepreneurship for future theoretical research and professional practice. This single-subject, archival case study demonstrates the social and commercial value of the “who” and “how” of digital entrepreneurship in the maritime sector through the case of Harbor Lab, an Athens-based start-up that disrupted the maritime industry through innovative use of emerging technologies to calculate disbursements (port expenses) and through the establishment of a horizontal, empathetic, open workplace culture. The outcomes of this study contributed a fresh perspective of scholarly knowledge on digital entrepreneurship for future theoretical research and professional practice.


Informal entrepreneurship challenges sustainable economic performance and is a barrier to productive entrepreneurship. In this context, the level of development of formal and informal institutions and their impact on informal entrepreneurship is crucial. This chapter examines the informal sector entrepreneurship in Kosovo using institutional theory lenses. Using a survey with 500 owners/managers of private companies, the study finds that the service industry has the highest participation in the informal economy compared to other sectors. On average small firms, compared to larger ones, report a higher percentage of unreported incomes. Our findings also suggest that when informal entrepreneurs perceive penalties for tax avoidance from tax authorities as high, they tend to have higher compliance with reporting their income. In addition, our findings indicate that the higher the vertical (trust in formal institutions) and horizontal distrust (trust in business partners), the higher the involvement in the informal economy. The chapter concludes with some policy implications for tackling the informal economy in Kosovo and similar institutional contexts.


This chapter provides an overview of entrepreneurship in Montenegro, through various aspects of the analysis. The chapter begins with an analysis of the role and importance of the development of entrepreneurship in Montenegro, followed by an analysis of the institutional and strategic framework for supporting the development of entrepreneurship. In this sense, a significant segment of the chapter is the analysis of various strategic documents, with a special focus placed on the role of the entrepreneurship development strategy, as well as the institutions responsible for the creation and implementation of entrepreneurship policies in Montenegro. The study also includes state measures, that is, support programs for the development of entrepreneurship, and thus the overall Montenegrin economy, which belongs to the group of less developed countries. In addition, the chapter indicates the importance of entrepreneurial learning in the development of entrepreneurial activity. The analysis shows that entrepreneurship is a concept that is increasingly used in Montenegrin economic theory, but also that it is increasingly present in everyday life, which is confirmed by numerous examples from practice. Therefore, through a multi-context analysis, the study depicts the environment for entrepreneurship development in Montenegro, including an overview of the state support, the influence of various factors, as well as certain forms of entrepreneurship that are current, and those that may be promising. The chapter ends with recommendations and guidelines for the further development of entrepreneurship in this country. With this regard, the key elements for increasing entrepreneurial activity are recognized in multiple support for a greater number of people to get involved in business, as well as in the improvement of a favorable business environment through the strengthening of institutional and infrastructural support.


Entrepreneurship is a mechanism that generates economic benefits. However, due to the emergence of the concept of sustainable development as an urgent issue that is affecting the globe, it is emphasized that entrepreneurship should generate sustainable wealth rather than just wealth. Therefore, the sustainable entrepreneurship (SE) notion has received rising interest lately. Nowadays, many business organizations in the Balkan region are moving toward sustainable solutions and there is a need to share knowledge on the best practices of SE. This chapter provides a detailed description of sustainable entrepreneurship drivers and outcomes with a focus on the challenges and perspectives of sustainable entrepreneurship in North Macedonia (NM). The case of Ecolog discussed in the chapter is an excellent example of its leadership in sustainable entrepreneurship and its positive impact on the community and wider. Lessons from challenges and best practices of sustainable ventures in NM are provided together with suggestions for these practices to be adopted in other countries associated with the actions required for implementation.


The present study explores gender inequalities in the entrepreneurial landscape in Romania, based on Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) data, highlighting similarities and differences between women and men entrepreneurs. Even if the GEM reports include data on entrepreneurship since 1999, Romania has been among the participating countries only since 2007 for the Adult Population Survey (GEM, APS). Thus, to include Romania in the analysis, the data from this study were selected for nine years, namely from 2007 to 2015. Our results indicate that among Romanian men and women, similar drivers influence the odds of engagement in entrepreneurial activities relative to not being involved in businesses. For both men and women, having confidence in their knowledge and skills had the highest odds ratio values. Also, identifying opportunities proved to be positive and significant for both genders, while fear of failure had the opposite effect. Knowing other entrepreneurs can lead to great benefits generated through social exchange. Findings reveal that the external knowledge that an entrepreneur’s environment gives rise to can prove to be supportive in the discovery of opportunities and their exploitation.


The main aim of this chapter is to systematize observations regarding changes in entrepreneurship in Serbia during the previous decade, having in mind some key factors such as high-impact low-probability (HILP) events, dynamic development in the sphere of information technologies (IT), and foreign direct investments (FDI). The choice of these factors was made in accordance with the fact that there were no significant changes in other external factors in the sphere of entrepreneurship (regulatory framework, financial conditions, and socio-political instability). This chapter discusses the assumptions that HILP events and FDI can have both positive and negative impacts on individual sectors or agglomerations of entrepreneurship, while only positive impacts are attributed to IT development. Using official databases and annual financial and business reports given by entrepreneurial agencies and micro and small enterprises we created a set of reports that indicate the strength and direction of the influence of the mentioned factors and their consequences in the sphere of entrepreneurship at the level of Serbia and selected cities, based on the fact that the entrepreneurial ecosystem in those cities faced greater than average challenges. The selected ratios indicate changes in the growth rate of the entrepreneurship sector (number of entrepreneurs and employees) as well as in the improvement of its competitiveness (productivity, assets, and profit per employee).


This chapter covers intrapreneurship, ecopreneurship, and digitalization, and presents qualitative research findings on eco-innovations and digitalization in Slovenia. Eco-innovations and digitalization are important aspects of intrapreneurship and the performance of existing companies. Practices of the participating company in circular economy and eco-innovations and digitalization are presented and discussed.


This research aims to determine the contribution of publications in the context of Türkiye to the international entrepreneurship literature between 2005 and 2022. We examined 471 articles published in international journals in the Web of Science (WoS) Core Collection database using bibliometric analysis techniques. We analyzed the data with the software Biblioshiny+Bibliometrix, SciMAT, and VOSViewer. We used performance, theme and evolution, co-authorship, and document analysis in data analysis. Performance analysis findings show that the most publications were made in 2021, the journal with the most publications was sustainability, and the author with the most publications was Bakır, C. Theme and evolution analysis revealed that the motor themes were corporate entrepreneurship, gender and entrepreneurial intentions in the first period (2005–2014), while institutional entrepreneurship stood out as the niche theme. In the second period (2015–2022), “corporate entrepreneurship” and “performance” emerged as the motor themes, while the niche themes in this period were “Syrian refugees” and “entrepreneurial intentions.” Document analysis findings show that the most studied entrepreneurship types are gender, family, corporate, social, and small business, respectively. In addition, immigrant/refugee entrepreneurship is emerging as a new topic, while indigenous entrepreneurship, informal entrepreneurship, sustainable entrepreneurship, and religion entrepreneurship are the most minor studied topics in entrepreneurship. Evidence-based decision-making inputs were obtained for those holding the resource allocation authority in Türkiye. Policymakers and funders, as well as individuals and institutions that want to design the future in terms of resources, can benefit from the findings and analysis of this chapter. Türkiye, which ranks 26th in the world regarding entrepreneurship, must develop a policy based on data.

Cover of Entrepreneurship Development in the Balkans: Perspective from Diverse Contexts
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Book series
Lab for Entrepreneurship and Development
Series copyright holder
Emerald Publishing Limited