Entrepreneurship and Green Finance Practices

Cover of Entrepreneurship and Green Finance Practices

Avenues for Sustainable Business Start-ups in Asia


Entrepreneurship and Green Finance Practices focuses on critical issues such as the role of Green Financing in Green Entrepreneurship in Asian Countries and looks for the mechanisms that can help in idea-generation and the launching of successful Green Start-ups.

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Table of contents

(18 chapters)

Part 1 From Business Perspective


This chapter The Grass Is Greener Where You Water It! delves deeper into explicating Employee Green Behaviour (EGB), which outlines the eco-friendly behaviours practiced by employees. The section provides a more thorough explanation of EGB, including its origins, theoretical foundations, and practical applications in a social and physical environment to create environmentally conscious workplaces. The in-role and extra-role of EGB are discussed to strengthen its execution, and its significance considering the present ecological exigency. This chapter outlines the five-features-hierarchical framework for EGB: Sustainability Initiatives, Non-Harmful Action, Resource Conservation, Peer Influence, and Individual Commitment. The environmental history, ecosystems, and biodiversity and their interaction with humans from the ancient period to the present day are provided. The later unit explores organizational plans to encourage EGB, focussing on the role of HR policies, practices, and systems in nurturing the culture of sustainability within organizations. This chapter reviews current studies on EGB, emphasizing the role of employee engagement, transformational environmental leadership, and corporate culture in promoting green practices. It contributes to the academic literature by analyzing EGB, its relevance, and the effects it can have on organizations and society. It is a great tool for academics, government officials, and business heads to make workplaces environmentally friendly.


The main objective of this chapter is to figure out various challenges emerging, or transition economies face in fostering sustainable finance. In this regard, extensive review of the extant and relevant literature is conducted with specification of time range, online database, and keywords. The findings suggest the various financing barriers experienced by emerging and transition economies in implementing the sustainable development goals (SDGs). Furthermore, this chapter triggers further debate on green financing initiatives that can help in dealing with the challenges of sustainable finance. It is found that green financing initiatives offer significant solutions in emerging and transition economies. In addition, this chapter provides policy implications to academia, practitioners, financial institutions, and government agencies to promote sustainable finance.


Globally, environmental concerns affect all aspects of human activity, and the economy for environmentally and socially aware goods and services is expanding. Entrepreneurs today are adapting their business practices to address new environmental problems or other environmental risks impacting their business. To bring about the transformation towards green economic systems, all green entrepreneurs are encouraged. Evidence from around the world shows that people's concerns for the environment are growing, and they are constantly adapting their behaviour to reflect these concerns. The objectives of the study were to assess the prevalence of green business practices among SMEs and also identify the elements that support these practices in Karachi, Pakistan. The study used a descriptive questionnaire as its research methodology. Self-completed questionnaires were used to collect primary data. The conclusions of the article stated that SMEs were using green business practices in their business areas. This can be explained by the great appreciation for green entrepreneurship in Pakistan. The variables that influence green entrepreneurship have been found to have different effects in practice. Stakeholders were advised to develop initiatives to promote adoption and use by most entities, including SMEs, as green business practices by SMEs in Karachi were still in their infancy. Through relevant authorities and green entrepreneurship, shareholders should lobby to provide them with a stronger negotiating strategy with other stakeholders. This study has some limitations. They study law in Karachi. Results are based on scenario-based surveys and methods and their applicability in a more complex relationship between green entrepreneurship practices and the performance of small- and medium-sized businesses.


In 2020, the logistics market in Malaysia was valued at USD 37.60 billion, and it is projected to grow to more than USD 55.0 billion by 2026 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of more than 4%. However, more information is needed about the impact of green logistic practice determinants by the local SMEs on the market share. This study serves as a focal point by examining the factors involved by offering a conceptual framework of determinants and their potential outcomes. This study contributes by demonstrating a conceptual, theoretical framework derived from the synthesis of two theory such as the Resource-Based View theory and the Diffusion of Innovation Theory. At the same time, it offers a holistic approach with an in-depth understanding of the Technological and Organizational factors of SMEs. The relationship between the implementation of green practices and organizational performance is also explored.


Seaports are significant nodal points in any supply chain network. Accordingly, the need to consistently upgrade and further develop processes would bode well for the maritime industry and nations competitiveness. There has been a change in the pattern by which green issues have become significant themes to the global sea transportation players. Developed nations have been the leaders in pursuing green options for future development. This leads to developing nations pursuing the green agenda to stay competitive. As such, Malaysia's desire of being the preferred sea nodal point in Southeast Asia lies in its abilities of seeking innovative processes and business opportunities through green principles. This chapter will focus on:

  • • Introducing Malaysia's seaport industry.

  • • A review of green management at seaports.

  • • The current state of green management implementation at Malaysia's federal ports.

  • • Challenges and opportunities for Malaysia's federal ports in pursuing green management.

• Introducing Malaysia's seaport industry.

• A review of green management at seaports.

• The current state of green management implementation at Malaysia's federal ports.

• Challenges and opportunities for Malaysia's federal ports in pursuing green management.


In conventional discourses on sustainability, the relationship between economics and ecology is central. A number of nations' economies benefited from responsible tourism following these conferences. By supporting local businesses and attractions, ‘green’ tourism helps communities achieve their natural and cultural objectives while also preserving their limited resources. In terms of sustainable travel, Kerala was an early leader. This study looks at RT initiatives in various stages, with an emphasis on green tourism's sustainable responsible travel practises. The green economic development bottom line method was used for this descriptive research. These results highlight the difficulties inherent with RT implementation. Our review of secondary data shows that the first rollout of RT was unsuccessful, but that subsequent stages showed great promise. In order to create sustainable tourism on a worldwide scale, the study also highlights the necessity for more research in other culturally distant places.


This book chapter aimed to examine the relationships between green supply chain practices and environmental performance in Malaysian Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). The practices of green supply chain in achieving environmental performance have been one priority concerns in Malaysia. However, green supply chain practices adoption remains emergence.


This manuscript adopted the multiple regression analysis in investigating the green supply chain (GSC) practices and environmental performance's variables. The self-administered surveys were randomly disseminated to Malaysian SMEs and 59 responses were returned. The result theoretically ascertained the positive relationship between GSC practices and environmental performance measures.


The findings are in aligned with the Resource-Based View (RBV) theory that conceptualized the GSC practices and strategies to sustain the environmental performance within the SMEs. In a nutshell, these findings would serve as the research implications and recommendations to the scholars, industrial practitioners, and policymakers who are interested in these GSC practices and environmental performance. This would further serve as a guideline for companies that tend to implement these GSC practices for improving its environmental performance.


The research revealed that ‘eco-design and packaging’ and ‘reverse logistics’ are significant to environmental performance, but both ‘green procurement’ and ‘investment recovery’ are not significant to environmental performance. The literature gaps exhibited for this manuscript; hence, future studies should be carried out on supply chain practices and environmental performance since there is no prescriptive method in sustaining environmental performance that matches all conditions in Malaysian SMEs.


The environmental performance of organizations has come under public policy limelight since the phenomenal increase of natural resource degradation and industrial waste. Thus, green concepts have been put forward, but the implementation of green practices faces many barriers and challenges. These barriers require attention as organizational practices are negatively affecting the environment leading to global warming and climate change. Therefore, this chapter systematically identifies four internal barriers including inadequate management commitment and support, insufficient technology competence and infrastructure, financial constraints, the uncertainty of economic benefits, and eight sub barriers within an organization concerning green concepts implementation. Moreover, this chapter also identifies four external barriers including lack of stakeholder's interest, inadequate environmental administrative support, scarce academic research, and lack of green collaborative practices, and eight sub barriers outside an organizational context concerning green concept implementation. The barriers in this research were identified by reviewing the existing literature on the topic. This chapter advances the green literature by identifying multiple barriers and challenges to the successful implementation of green concepts in organizations. This is of significance as if these barriers are tackled strategically, it would reduce environmental degradation problems and help make financial gains. Moreover, this research can help managers understand the key barriers to green concept implementation and provide guidance to them when attempting to implement green practices in their organizations. This research would also motivate researchers to extend further investigation on how to overcome such barriers and find out strategies to mitigate the barriers to green concept implementation to effectively address environmental issues.


This chapter examines the significance of green innovation and technologies for sustainable business in Asia, focussing on the issues and challenges confronted by contemporary sustainable business models. The concept of sustainable development is introduced, which seeks to minimize negative impacts on ecosystems and preserve the environment for future generations. This chapter's methodology entails a comprehensive review of existing literature and research on green innovation, green technology, and sustainable business models in Asia. The expansion of ‘green’ energy is directly proportional to the global demand for energy resources. Understanding how green innovation influences a company's capacity for sustainable development is essential for identifying the factors that influence sustainable business models and their economic consequences. Green innovation practices encompass a variety of factors, including government regulations, preferences, supplier competence, and consumer concerns. Green technologies, such as green human resource management (HRM) practices and green innovation practices, play a crucial role in attaining sustainable development by conserving energy, protecting the environment, and enhancing business efficiency. Businesses that adopt green innovation acquire a competitive edge and enhance their performance. This chapter emphasizes the importance of green innovation research and application for business stability in Asia, where sustainability and green concepts are acquiring momentum. Customer, government, and societal pressures further emphasize the significance of green innovation in businesses. For the success of ecological innovation practices, collaboration and knowledge-sharing among various stakeholders are crucial. The adoption of green innovation practices is influenced by external environmental impacts, stakeholder pressure, and organizational support. Green technology innovation, which concentrates on resource conservation, energy efficiency, and environmental protection, is crucial to the sustainability of a business. This chapter concludes by emphasizing the importance of business sustainability in achieving environmental and economic goals and assuring sustainable corporate development. Long-term success requires an understanding of the process of value creation, delivery, and capture within sustainable business models.

Part 2 From Academic and Behavioural Perspective


The sources and platforms utilized for environmental communication have been significantly expanded by the emergence of social media. The validity, form, and content of environmental communication processes are particularly radical departures from conventional media, making personal green blogs important of study as areas of everyday culture politics where people make understanding of environmental challenges. There is currently a lack of research on how social media might encourage green behaviours. This research reveals the impact of social media use and green blogging on green purchasing behaviour, which is supported by the social learning theory. Present study shows that social media use and green blogging have a substantial positive connection, drawing on a sample of 580 respondents from Pakistan examined using structural equation modelling. Both notions have a considerable impact on consumers' intentions to make green purchases, and social media trust plays a moderating role in this relationship. Furthermore, social media trust considerably modifies the connections between green blogging and social media use that is related to green behaviour. The current study is novel and offers important information to understand how social media might promote eco-friendly habits and behaviour.


Sustainable tourism will be an appropriate strategy to be promoted during the post COVID-19 pandemic, as this is a turning point for the tourism industry to grab the unique chance to have a true reset by focussing on achieving long-term sustainability and a shift from a ‘me to we’ economy. To support sustainable tourism and foster future success in the tourism industry, the process of integrating green knowledge and knowledge management can begin with entrepreneurial education in higher education institutions (HEIs). However, empirical research on university students' green entrepreneurial intention in sustainable tourism has not been exhaustively studied. Additionally, there is a need to further explore knowledge management process and entrepreneurial learning in HEIs. Hence, the aim of this study is to analyze knowledge management as a technique to explore the green entrepreneurial intention of students in HEIs in sustaining Malaysia's tourism post COVID-19 pandemic. Exploratory research with quantitative analysis was conducted through partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM). The findings reveal that there is a positive and significant relationship between green entrepreneurial knowledge and green entrepreneurial intention in sustainable tourism among university business students. Additionally, knowledge revision and conceptual change positively and significantly influence green entrepreneurial knowledge and green entrepreneurial intention in sustainable tourism. However, knowledge application has no impact on green entrepreneurial knowledge and green entrepreneurial intention. The results of this study also reveal that green entrepreneurial knowledge does not have a mediation effect on green entrepreneurial intention. The present work contributes by going beyond the study of entrepreneurial intention, as the research focusses on interconnection among these three major areas: knowledge management, sustainable tourism, and entrepreneurship education post COVID-19 pandemic. Hence, the combination of these diverse aspects in this study provides insights to educators and policy makers to investigate the importance of green entrepreneurial knowledge and benefits of knowledge management that can be integrated into entrepreneurship education for current and future sustainable tourism development.


The purpose of the study is to conceptualize the model of the predictors of consumer willingness to purchase green products. This study used the underpinning theories related to consumer willingness by integrating the green concept in deriving the consumer willingness to purchase green products. Based on the underpinning theories of marketing strategies, it was found that marketing mix was still fundamental in business. Therefore, green marketing mix was proposed to describe the consumer's green purchase willingness. Furthermore, corporate social responsibility (CSR) plays an important role as the key to organizational strategy. Thus, CSR is also included in the proposed framework. As this is a conceptual paper, further empirical study needs to carry out to verify the proposed hypotheses. This study contributes to the market practitioners or entrepreneurs in terms of re-considering marketing mix and CSR in deriving customer willingness to purchase green products. This study extends the literature of behavioural intention by integrating green marketing strategies with CSR in determining consumer willingness to purchase.


Growing environmental challenge awareness among consumers is today's business reality that pushes for sustainable product development. Governments, industries, and consumers' attention are significantly moved from traditional products to eco-friendly product development. Green product development is the future for manufacturing businesses' survival in most markets. Green product development is an emerging phenomenon and, unfortunately, lacks theoretical and empirical research regarding effective organizational policies and practices for green product development. This study aims at filling research gaps towards green product development by highlighting green employee aspects influenced by leadership for sustainable business growth. The study hypothesized relations between the green effect of transformational leadership on green product development as an outcome through green behaviour, green climate, and green innovative creativity. Data was collected from small and medium enterprises (SMEs) of Karachi through a self-administered survey questionnaire. Results revealed significant support for hypothesized relations through the partial least square statistical tool. This study contributes theoretical and empirical advancement in past literature wherein leadership style influences employee behaviour that leads to predict product development from an environmental perspective. Study inferences suggest for visionary green leadership style for sustainable business growth. Limitations of this study regarding other variable inclusiveness, sampling, and geography are potential extensions for further scholarly investigation.


The shift in consumer focus towards green marketing mix elements is not a unique thing. Especially in recent times, most organizations are trying to implement green marketing strategies in order to influence customers as well as to reduce the negative impacts of environmental footprints. However, in recent times service marketing requires thorough implementation of a Green Marketing Mix as evidenced by Asian countries. However, research also claims that the use of a traditional green marketing mix is not a guarantee of success in the long run and therefore has been criticized by several researchers and scholars. Hence, there is a need to follow the Green-SIVA (Solution, Information, Access, and Value) concept in order to create a long-lasting impact on consumer buying and to discuss the application of tools in a more comprehensive manner. Although the linkage of Green-SIVA marketing might provide a new way to develop an effective marketing mix strategy for services. Hence, this chapter has been written purposely to discuss GMM elements with reference to the service industry of Pakistan and tries to develop an association with green-SIVA marketing practices in order to optimize service marketing practices.


The concept of green entrepreneurship is still in its infancy stage and therefore there is no proper way to define and relate this form of entrepreneurship with the business or society. Although green entrepreneurship is the need of recent times in order to protect the environment. Therefore, there is a need to focus more intensely on the concept. On the other side, the support of the government and the lack of financial stability of entrepreneurs from developing sides of the world is hindering the path of green entrepreneurs from developing sides of the world. Therefore, this chapter has been purposely written to highlight the green entrepreneurial process along with the motivational model for green entrepreneurs. Hence, this chapter might be perceived as the cornerstone in the development of the concept of green entrepreneurship from developing sides of the world.


This chapter review studies on green banking practices and identifies information gaps to justify future research approaches.

Design methodology/approach

A systematic literature review has been conducted by analyzing 44 Scopus-indexed articles on adopting green banking practices through the PRISMA flowchart and analyzed through Vosviewer software.


The findings indicate that survey studies comprised 82% of the selected papers. The Journal of Cleaner Production was the most-cited publication, with 471 citations. France was most frequently involved in collaborative research, with connections to six other countries. Notably, two-thirds of the listed countries had collaborated internationally in publications, but with less than 10 countries involved, based on the 44 studies included in the analysis.


According to the authors' best knowledge, no systematic literature review on green banking practices from the Scopus database utilizing the PRISMA approach has been published in academic literature.

Research implication

The pitfalls observed in previous research, such as the paucity of an empirical and conceptual methodology and a systematic investigation of theory development, give numerous opportunities for future research. Following this, many new trends in green banking are outlined to assist researchers in identifying gaps in the literature and future study directions.

Practical Implication

The study aids researchers, professionals, and managers in understanding green banking adoption's significance. Banks can increase their economic scenarios by using this concept in new markets with excessive potential for employment and business avenues. In addition, the study highlights the value of sustainable practices, environmental concerns, and the importance of green banking.

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