Transformation of Strategic Alliances in Emerging Markets, Volume I

Cover of Transformation of Strategic Alliances in Emerging Markets, Volume I


Transformations of Strategic Alliances in Emerging Markets: Volume I, deals with changes in strategic alliances in the complex settings of European emerging markets. It includes 40 years’ worth of data in its in-depth study of the changes in education, networks, work performance, and environmental...

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Table of contents

(10 chapters)

Part I Introduction and Foundation


In this chapter, the authors provide an overview of the results of their research on the subject of strategic alliances until 2001. Specifically, they summarize their findings published in Strategic Alliances in Eastern and Central Europe (2003). The authors conducted 20 case studies of Swedish firms involved in strategic alliances with firms in Eastern and Central Europe. This chapter also presents a brief account of the authors' other research on the same phenomenon which resulted in several conference papers and journal articles. The theoretical framework developed and applied in the 2003 book is also briefly presented in this summary chapter. The method applied in writing the book and the justification for applying this specific method are also discussed. Following this, an updated review of the literature of strategic alliances is conducted to discuss the research work covered and the issues examined after 2003. The overview of the authors' strategic alliances studies and the updated review of the literature together highlight the overall logic behind this new book, Transformation of Strategic Alliances in Eastern and Central Europe.


The purpose of this chapter is to introduce emerging markets (EMs) and then European transition economies in which alliance transformation takes place. Considering the complexity of EMs, researchers and academics feel pressure in recent years to seek comprehensive understanding of the EM context (). Transition economies are a special category of EMs, which have attracted many multinational firms to invest after the fall of Berlin wall in the beginning of 1990s. This region constitutes of former soviet bloc, located in central and eastern Europe. After a short introduction and discussion on the importance on EMs, development process within EMs is taken up. Transition economies are then introduced, particularly in relation to their link with the European Union. Aims and research questions are outlined to display the objective and direction of the study. The next section discusses major contributions, followed by limitations of the study describing what issues are left out to concentrate on the research object. Finally, it is shortly described what other chapters are coming and what they deal with.


This chapter compiles and summarizes the various strategies in the literature about emerging markets (EMs). Moreover, competitive strategies, market entry strategies in the international market, developing marketing strategy, and Porter's competitive strategies are also presented and discussed. Competitive strategies, market entry strategies, developing marketing strategy, and Porter's competitive strategies don't directly deal with EMs but they are deemed to be helpful and relevant to the research problem in the study of the transformation of strategic alliances in Eastern and Central Europe. The reason for compiling the various strategies is because one can clearly understand from the literature that researchers do agree in the value of a strategy, but there is no shared view among researchers of what a strategy is, what its benefits are, and how it should be developed, implemented, and evaluated. At the end of the book, the authors have tried to assess how and to what extent those strategies are applicable and helpful for a firm operating in EMs.

Part II Theoretical and Methodological Discussion


This chapter gives an understanding on how consideration of institutional factors can be important in establishing alliances in emerging markets. There is a huge difference between developed and emerging markets on different issues starting from government and financial institutions to culture and infrastructure. Although these factors have impact on business relationships, they can affect differently from case to case and on the experience of the partners involved in relationships. Further, the extent of difference is not always negative for all firms as it can give some MNEs, who are experts in doing business with emerging market partners, specific advantage over their competitors.


This chapter highlights and examines the journey of strategic alliances, how alliances lead to the creation of new alliances, and whether alliances succeed or precede firms' market networks. Moreover, the chapter attempts to identify the market and environmental factors which impact the journey and the end result of alliances. The findings show that before the alliance and in the early strategic alliance phase, firms can have direct and indirect relationships/networks which can lead to the formation of strategic alliances. The other finding is that one of the main factors which determines the journey of strategic alliances is the degree of internationalization of the firm and the market. The journey of alliances was also found to be different in the various groups of Eastern and Central Europe (ECE) countries depending on the pace or degree of adaptation of those countries. It was also found that well-developed networks have a positive impact on the alliance results. Moreover, the chapter also provides evidence that alliances enable firms to defend and strengthen existing networks to build new networks and to penetrate partners' networks. It is finally observed that it is difficult to determine whether alliances succeed or precede networks.


This chapter illustrates the theoretical foundation of the study. Several issues such as motives, resources, learning, networking, and institutional and environmental impacts are elaborately discussed to point out why strategic alliances are formed and how the firms attempt to fulfill different goals by collaborating with partners. Furthermore, it is taken up how the issues are intertwined and jointly contribute to strengthen the alliance activity. From a longitudinal perspective, a theoretical framework has been drawn not only to show the links but also to highlight the dynamism in the relationship over time. This theoretical framework is used to collect, organize, and analyze the data to finally draw conclusions of the study.


The method applied to carry out the study of the transformation of strategic alliances in emerging markets is discussed in this chapter. Specifically, this chapter discusses how the whole study is conducted, i.e. the identification and development of the research issues, the research aim and problem, the development of the conceptual framework, the development of the research method, how the empirical study is analyzed and conclusions are drawn. The specific research strategy applied to conduct the current study is a longitudinal research approach. A short discussion on how the ECE countries are classified into various groups is conducted in the current chapter and a detailed discussion on the classification of ECE countries into different groups is also conducted in chapter eight. Moreover, the logic for adopting a longitudinal research strategy to conduct the current study of the transformation of strategic alliances is also justified. The identification and choice of the case companies, the logic followed in the development of the questionnaire and how much and to what extent the questionnaire is modified are also discussed in detail. The identification of the interviewees, the execution of the interviews and the transcription of the interview materials and the structuring of the cases are also discussed in detail.

Part III Categorization of Emerging Markets


This chapter presents a description of transition economies of Europe focusing different aspects related to the economic development of this area. First, the transition economies are introduced. Later on, political conditions, cultural factors affecting these countries, and economic situation are presented. Referring earlier studies and different factors, a new classification of transition economies is offered.

To have critical perspective, some of the performances of transition economies are compared with BRICS countries, which have been particularly focused as major economies of the emerging markets. Finally, the case countries are presented.

Cover of Transformation of Strategic Alliances in Emerging Markets, Volume I
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