Historical Perspectives on Teacher Preparation in Aotearoa New Zealand

Cover of Historical Perspectives on Teacher Preparation in Aotearoa New Zealand

Tensions and Continuities


This book offers an exposition of the history of teacher preparation in Aotearoa New Zealand, from the outset through current and future trends. Beginning with an overview of the historical context of New Zealand schooling, and the development of local forms of schools, established in the early 19t...

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Table of contents

(10 chapters)

In this chapter we have broadly sketched the educational history of Aotearoa New Zealand to show that this historical backdrop offers a fascinating insight into contemporary debates. In the following chapters we adopt a thematic approach to the history of teacher preparation in Aotearoa New Zealand. We do not offer an institutional or chronological historical narrative, but rather, the chapters are interconnected as they re-trace, recall and re-tell this educational history. Our core thesis is that across the long history of teacher preparation these themes permeate the shifts and changes in educational policy and practice and that ruptures at particular historical moments are not unique. We draw on a number of historical examples to underscore the oftentimes personal impact of the wider policy environment and the educational stories of aspiring teachers. Importantly, we have documented the methodological approaches employed and the archival research that has influenced our reading of the materials.


This chapter traces the early beginnings of schools and schooling in Aotearoa New Zealand. We have drawn on archival evidence to identify shifting tensions between Māori and missionary, between Church and State and between local and national priorities. Despite its relative size, the history of New Zealand’s schools highlights their complex and competing origins. This educational landscape has been marked by emerging concerns and unresolved tensions regarding entry standards, academic and professional training, recruitment, and the knowledge, skills and dispositions a teacher ought to possess. There has been little consensus about how teachers should be prepared and where this training ought to occur. The absence of any uniform understanding or agreement about the effective professional training and preparation of teachers has induced a level of bureaucratization as competing interests sought to control the work of teachers.


Written official and formal accounts such as Inspectors’ Reports provide a summary of the teachers’ work, conduct, interactions with pupils, as well as a glimpse of the skills, knowledge and dispositions brought to their work. What can be concluded from these reports is that teachers had little occupational control of their work. What was taught and how they taught were prescribed by the curriculum and mediated against the standards pupils attained. In addition, teachers’ and pupils’ successes and failures were made public in Inspectors’ Reports, although it was the teacher who was more readily identifiable if not explicitly named. This is not to suggest that teachers did not act as agents of change. Increasingly, teachers sought to professionalize their work through qualifications, training and exposure to new ideas and practices. Against this backdrop of the professionalization of the workforce were the increasing bureaucratization of schools and teaching and the institutionalization of teacher preparation and training.


From the first attempts to prepare, train and educate teachers the official knowledge of the state has shaped what was identified as worth knowing, the curriculum. The knowledge and skills imparted link with political, economic and social priorities of the state. The formalization of this knowledge via pupil-teacher schemes, normal schools, as well as teachers’ colleges and universities was imperative in order for the state to define and control what was taught and who taught. Furthermore, central control of the curriculum, examination, classification and certification of teachers ensured that the agenda of the state was transported into the nation’s classrooms. Thus, the primary objective was to both produce and reproduce ‘good’ and ‘capable’ teachers ‘free from defect or infirmity’ to teach the skills and knowledge required for disciplined future citizenship.


A significant gap in the history of teacher preparation in Aotearoa New Zealand is a major study of teachers’ training colleges. Although there are published histories of single teacher colleges, there has been no collective understanding of the role and purpose of these colleges in the development and preparation of teachers. This chapter is not a linear history of the development of teachers’ colleges, but rather an examination of the economic, political and social factors that affected the contested operations of these institutions. The implications for the preparation of elementary (primary), and post–primary (secondary) teachers are considered.


Teacher colleges played a significant role in the preparation of teachers for over 100 years in New Zealand. Teacher training colleges opened in the 1880s and served as the main institutions for teacher preparation. Toward the end of the twentieth century, the plight of teachers’ colleges once again fell victim to the ‘decline and demand cycle’ for teachers. Fueled by discussions regarding the extent teacher training should be “practically based in the classroom”, new government directions and policy priorities for the preparation of the teaching workforce were implemented. All teacher colleges experienced either staged amalgamations or ultimate closure. In the late 1970s and 1980s, the preparation of teachers entered a new phase as the responsibility shifted to the university sector, which included the training of kindergarten teachers. While the policy rhetoric imagined this to be an amalgamation, the reality was a process fraught with a number of anxieties, not the least of which were the intellectual shifts.


A range of educational reforms were implemented in the 1980s and 1990s. These reforms were underpinned by a fundamental assumption that education, in a similar way to any other service, can be traded as a commodity in the marketplace. This chapter identifies the shifting priorities of the state and explores the impacts of these educational reforms on the teaching profession. It traces the emergence of new forms of schools and schooling that are ostensibly part of the ongoing privatization of public education. Conclusions on future directions for both schools and the education of teachers are offered.

Cover of Historical Perspectives on Teacher Preparation in Aotearoa New Zealand
Publication date
Book series
Emerald Studies in Teacher Preparation in National and Global Contexts
Series copyright holder
Emerald Publishing Limited