Advances in Taxation: Volume 15

Table of contents

(12 chapters)

This article examines the sensitivity of U.S. exports to the availability of export incentives offered under the Domestic International Sales Corporation (DISC) and the Foreign Sales Corporation (FSC) provisions of U.S. tax law. Evidence on the efficacy of export tax incentives is mixed. The history of the DISC/FSC tax incentives provides a natural experiment to address the question of the effect of tax incentives on export volume. We examine the relation of U.S. export volume to the availability of these export tax incentives from 1967 to 1998, controlling for product class and important macroeconomic variables, and find evidence of a positive association between the level of U.S. exports and the existence of the export incentives offered under the DISC/FSC provisions. However, this association depends on product type. Our findings using actual export data are independent of otherwise available data demonstrating a general growth in the use of DISC/FSC entities and the sales volume of these entities. The latter data suffer from an interpretation problem because changes in the number of special export entities used and their sales volume do not necessarily correlate with changes in actual export levels over time. The approach we use in this study is an attempt to overcome this limitation. The reported results have implications for both tax policy regarding the design of export tax incentives and the European Union’s claim that U.S. export tax incentives have damaged U.S. competitors in foreign trade.

The results of this study indicate that a likely reason why a negative relation between estimated implicit taxes and pretax returns is empirically observed is the researcher’s election to choose a zero tax rate as the benchmark state and local tax rate. Normally, an observed negative relation between estimated implicit taxes and pretax returns supports the hypothesis generated by implicit tax theory. This conclusion regarding the implicit tax hypothesis may be premature whenever the incidence of state and local income taxes contributes to this empirical finding. First, state income taxes, treated as a negative subsidy when the benchmark state and local tax rate is set at zero, will likely cause implicit taxes to be underestimated. Second, the observed relationship between estimated implicit taxes and pretax returns appears to be reversible depending upon the researcher’s election of a statutory tax rate that incorporates the selected benchmark state and local tax rate.

The present study uses a sample of 848 firms covering the years from 1989 through 1998 to show how the relation between estimated implicit taxes and pretax returns can be manipulated by the selection of the benchmark state and local tax rate. Since choosing an accurate benchmark state and local tax rate can be problematic, the present study suggests adjusting both estimated implicit taxes and pretax income by the amount of state and local income taxes incurred. The results, using the regression model making this adjustment, appear to nullify the negative bias of a zero tax rate as the benchmark state and local tax rate.

An assimilation and a synthesis of the major General Accounting Office (GAO) reports released on the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) for calendar year 2002 reveal a variety of tax administration problems. An analysis of the GAO reports also suggests that the IRS might be a contributor to the non-compliance problem. Additionally, Congresses and Administrations have not facilitated meaningful improvements.

While the GAO reports generally attempt to portray the ongoing modernization efforts within the IRS favorably, the weaknesses identified suggest that significant tax administration problems exist. This article presents a detailed analysis of the GAO overall report on the 2002-filing season and assesses GAO reports and testimonies that contain IRS in their titles.

Scholars suggest that failure to include implicit taxes in analyses of vertical equity understates the progressivity of the tax system. This paper develops an analytic expression for imputing the implicit tax associated with tax-exempt bonds using the tax-exempt interest income reported on individual income tax returns. To measure progressivity, Kakwani indices are calculated using three definitions of income and three measures of tax liability. In addition, the indices are computed by adding implicit income to the income measure. Examination of the Kakwani indices leads to the conclusion that the tax system is progressive for all measures of tax liability. Total tax (explicit plus implicit), measured against explicit plus implicit income, is more progressive than explicit tax measured against explicit income. Including the implicit tax associated with tax-exempt interest in the measurement of tax progressivity increases the level of progressivity of the tax system slightly.

The ability of firms to retain valued knowledge and skills possessed by accounting professionals depends, in part, on creating a work environment that positively affects accountants’ job-related attitudes and behaviors. A first step in achieving this objective is to identify those variables that are related to accountants’ work attitudes and behaviors. Previous research has examined antecedent causes of, for example, accountants’ job satisfaction, performance, organizational commitment, and role stress. Two limitations of the extant research are that subjects have almost always been auditors and no consideration has been given to the fact that accountants may react differently to their work environment depending on where they are in their careers.

This study addresses these two limitations of prior research by examining whether tax accountants’ work attitudes and behaviors differ across four common career stages: exploration, establishment, maintenance, and disengagement. The association of gender with tax accountants’ work attitudes was also tested. Results indicate that career stage is significantly related to tax accountants’ performance and job-related tension, but unrelated to job satisfaction, organizational commitment, work alienation, and role stress. A significant gender effect was found. These results for tax accountants differ somewhat from results for auditors (Rebele et al., 1996), indicating that a one-size-fits-all approach to managing work environments within accounting firms may not be effective in developing and retaining professional staff.

Like the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), the Korean Internal Revenue Service (KIRS) has implemented many changes to improve customer satisfaction since 1999. However, the Customer Satisfaction Index for KIRS services was low when compared with that of private companies. Therefore, it is important that the KIRS identify which dimensions of its services have an impact on its customers’ satisfaction. In this regard, the objectives of this study are: (1) to categorize KIRS services into a smaller number of dimensions; and (2) to find which dimensions have a significant effect on customer satisfaction. Data were collected using questionnaires filled out by staff accountants in tax preparation firms in Korea, and 322 questionnaires were analyzed by structural equation modeling using LISREL. Analysis of data showed that the respondents evaluated KIRS services in terms of seven dimensions: Politeness, Service by Telephone/Fax, Accuracy/Quickness, Easiness of Requesting Services, Cleanness of Office, Accommodation, and Equitable Service. Therefore, the current approach of the KIRS, which has developed diagnostic tools without identifying the dimensions of its services, needs to be changed. Also, the three dimensions (Equitable Service, Politeness, and Accuracy/Quickness) had significantly positive impacts on customer satisfaction. This result implies that the KIRS may need to focus its efforts more on these three dimensions, rather than on all dimensions of its services. In addition, because of the similarities in the changes of the KIRS and those of the IRS, the findings of this study may be applied to improving some parts of the IRS.

Internal Revenue Code §162(m), which applies to public corporations, was designed to reduce executive compensation and strengthen its relation to performance. This article examines the effectiveness of the code section. While the results reflect a continual increase in the compensation of a group of key executives for the years reviewed, evidence is found in support of the performance-based objectives of §162(m). Findings indicate a shift away from salary and toward bonus payments over the time period examined. Further, the link between compensation and performance appears to have strengthened slightly after the enactment of §162(m).

Publication date
Book series
Advances in Taxation
Series copyright holder
Emerald Publishing Limited
Book series ISSN