Sexuality training for health and social care professionals working with people with an acquired brain injury
The purpose of this paper is to outline a work‐based, professional education series of workshops, focusing on issues of sex and sexuality training for health and social care professionals who work with adults with a moderate to severe acquired brain injury. The series of workshops were conducted by a trained psychosexual therapist and couples counsellor from Headway Brain Injury Association, and held at the Royal Hospital for Neuro‐disability in 2009 to raise health and social care professionals' awareness about sexuality issues for this patient population. A case study of the series is presented, which we hope will add to the discourse about the sexual needs of people with a moderate to severe acquired brain injury. Overall, participants were positive about the education and learning achieved within the workshop series.
Baker, M. and Shears, S. (2010), "Sexuality training for health and social care professionals working with people with an acquired brain injury", Social Care and Neurodisability, Vol. 1 No. 3, pp. 4-12.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
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