Market-driven economic integration in the 21st century: potential roles for APEC, WTO and the G20

Andrew Elek (Economics Division of the Asia Pacific School of Economics and Government, Australian National University and Australian Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation) *

Journal of International Logistics and Trade

ISSN: 1738-2122

Article publication date: 31 December 2009

Issue publication date: 31 December 2009

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Economic integration in the 21st century is driven largely by market signals, rather than by inter-governmental trading arrangements. It also means much more than “free trade.” Integration needs to consider all of the ways economies are connected in international markets, including trade in goods, services ideas and information, along with essential and complementary international movements of people and capital.

Except for a small number of sensitive products, especially in agriculture, most goods and services face no, or very low, formal trade barriers. Reducing border protection of the remaining sensitive products will certainly require negotiations, but they are no longer the most strategic obstacles to economic integration.

These days, the problems of most concern of those engaged in international commerce are logistics, communications, coping with security concerns and with different regulations in other economies. The effective constraint to designing and implementing cooperative arrangements to reduce such costs or risks of international commerce is the capacity to do so, rather than political resistance. Inter-governmental negotiations are not always necessary to deal with these practical issues.

Therefore, it should be possible to have a logical division of effort between APEC and the WTO in the Asia Pacific with the WTO dealing with those issues that do need to be negotiated; and APEC dealing with the many other issues where negotiations are not needed. In the longer term, an efficient division of labour could also emerge between the G20 and the WTO.



Elek, A. (2009), "Market-driven economic integration in the 21st century: potential roles for APEC, WTO and the G20", Journal of International Logistics and Trade, Vol. 7 No. 2, pp. 1-18.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2009 Jungseok Research Institute of International Logistics and Trade


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Corresponding author

*Corresponding Author: Research Associate, Economics Division of the Asia Pacific School of Economics and Government, Australian National University and Australian Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation. E-mail:

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