Analysis of container dwell time on marine terminal throughput and rehandling productivity

Nathan Huynh (Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering University of South Carolina, 300 Main Street, Columbia) *

Journal of International Logistics and Trade

ISSN: 1738-2122

Article publication date: 31 December 2008

Issue publication date: 31 December 2008

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When port authorities or terminal operators set the free time or increase storage density, the decision is often made without a clear understanding of their effects on throughput and rehandling productivity. This is partly because practical methods that deal specifically with the effect of dwell time on throughput and productivity are limited in the literature; hence the motivation for this work. This paper introduces simple methods to evaluate the effect of container dwell time and storage policies on import throughput, storage density, and rehandling productivity. The analysis considers two import storage strategies 1) non-mixed - no stacking of new import containers on top of old ones, and 2) mixed - stacking of new import containers on top of old ones. The results highlight the effect dwell time has on throughput and rehandling productivity. For the non-mixed storage policy, the increasing container dwell time lowers throughput and average stack height - resulting in an increase in rehandling productivity. On the other hand, for the mixed storage policy, the increasing container dwell time raises throughput and average stack height - resulting in a decrease in rehandling productivity. Using the presented methods, port authorities and terminal operators are able to assess and quantify the benefits of their decisions regarding container free time and subsequently make an informed decision.



Huynh, N. (2008), "Analysis of container dwell time on marine terminal throughput and rehandling productivity", Journal of International Logistics and Trade, Vol. 6 No. 2, pp. 69-89.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2008 Jungseok Research Institute of International Logistics and Trade


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Corresponding author

*Corresponding Author: Assistant Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering University of South Carolina 300 Main Street Columbia, SC 29208. Tel. (803) 777-8947, Fax (803) 777-0670, E-mail:

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