This paper reports results of analyses made at an all-female Gulf Arab university measuring the nature and extent of biases in students' evaluation of faculty. Comparisons are made with research reporting the nature of similar relationships in North America. Two issues are investigated: 1) What variables (if any) bias faculty evaluation results at an all-female Arab university? 2) Are biasing variables different in nature or magnitude to those reported at North America universities? Using the population of 13,300 faculty evaluation records collected over two school years at Zayed University, correlations of faculty evaluation results to nine potentially biasing factors are made. Results show biases to faculty evaluation results do exist. However, biases are small, and strikingly similar in nature to those reported at North American universities.
Morgan, J. and Davies, T. (2006), "
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2006 John Morgan and Thomas Davies
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Publisher's note: The Publisher would like to inform the reader that the article “Analysis of Bias in Student Evaluations of Faculty at an All Female Arab University in the Middle East” has changed pagination. Previous pagination was pp. 1-19. The updated pagination for the article is now pp. 3-21. The Publisher apologises for any inconvenience caused.