This paper examines how a classroom designed process of constructing narratives about oneself, a group, and others helps students develop an authentic leadership voice. We begin by describing the theoretical framework behind our paper, which includes an overview of the notion of authenticity and the linkage between narrative and authentic leadership. Next, we provide an account of a transformative class called Leadership and Storytelling. Following this is a response to the question that inspired our paper: What was it about the course that made it such a meaningful leadership experience for students? The authors offer three key ingredients to the nature of this powerful classroom experience: space, authorship, and taking students to the edge of knowing. We conclude with an exploration of how others can incorporate narrative into their own work to become better leadership educators.
Albert, J.F. and Vadla, K. (2009), "Authentic Leadership Development in the Classroom: A Narrative Approach", Journal of Leadership Education, Vol. 8 No. 1, pp. 72-92. https://doi.org/10.12806/V8/I1/AB2
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2009, The Journal of Leadership Education
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