This case study explores student learning outcomes from a student-led eService-learning (SLESL) course. The researchers interviewed 12 participants in addition to evaluating final reflection papers. Data analysis yielded three general categories including leadership insights, personal growth and development, and overcoming community obstacles. Leadership insights were comprised of five emergent themes such as leadership lessons learned, collaboration, communication, influence, and other leadership theories. Personal growth and development included seven themes such as personal challenge, personal awareness, practical application, personal affect, personal self-efficacy, self-efficacy toward future involvement, and service-learning insights. The final category, overcoming community obstacles, was encompassed by three themes including community challenge, insights about others, and innovation. Transferability of the findings along with implications for practice are discussed.
Greenleaf, J. and Goertzen, B. (2021), "STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES ASSOCIATED WITH ESERVICE-LEARNING: A Case Study", Journal of Leadership Education, Vol. 20 No. 4, pp. 107-123. https://doi.org/10.12806/V20/I4/R8
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2021, The Journal of Leadership Education
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