Research on college student leadership is evolving, with more scholars studying the influence of social identities on the development of student leaders. The evolving literature includes research on how race influences the leadership identity development of college students, which can support their retention and graduation from postsecondary institutions. Gaps exist in the literature on how the definitions of leaders and leadership influences leadership identity development for many social identities in numerous institutional contexts, including for Latino men. Using a case study methodology, we studied the how definitions of leaders and leadership influenced the leadership identity development of Latino men and how that influenced their placement in the LID model (Komives et al., 2005). Thirteen Latino men in the Southeastern U.S. were interviewed. Participants’ definitions and perspectives of leaders and leadership placed them all in the Leader Identified stage of the LID model. Implications for leadership educators regarding practice and research are provided.
Acosta, A.A. and Guthrie, K.L. (2021), "DEFINING A LEADER: The Leadership Identity Development of Latino Men", Journal of Leadership Education, Vol. 20 No. 4, pp. 1-18. https://doi.org/10.12806/V20/I4/R1
:Emerald Publishing Limited
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