The leaders of the future will have to lead with intercultural competence and with the ability to facilitate this development of competence in others. The development of skills in undergraduate students to meet this challenge is paramount to the establishment of effective leadership for the future. Within this study, researchers address the challenge by quantitatively examining intercultural competency outcomes students derive from leadership-based study abroad experiences. For five years, researchers utilized a pre-post intercultural competency survey of student participants in a leadership education study abroad program in Zambia, Africa. Using the Intercultural Effectiveness Scale (IES), data was analyzed for seventy-eight students who participated in this five-week study abroad course. The results demonstrate statistically significant growth on students’ intercultural competency across all ten measures of dimensions and sub-scales. Recommendations provide a framework for leadership educators to employ pedagogies that influence intercultural development within study abroad as a means of developing global leadership in their students.
Armstrong, J.P. (2020), "ASSESSING INTERCULTURAL COMPETENCE IN INTERNATIONAL LEADERSHIP COURSES: Developing the Global Leader", Journal of Leadership Education, Vol. 19 No. 4, pp. 1-19. https://doi.org/10.12806/V19/I4/R1
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2020, The Journal of Leadership Education
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