The Organizational Leadership class is a staple in most undergraduate and graduate management curricula. Faculty teaching leadership courses recognize the need for experiential learning, but often struggle to find meaningful and manageable learning opportunities. Based on the high-impact practices of service and community-based learning, we offer three high-impact experiences designed to complement an organizational leadership course. These experiences utilize experiential learning to reinforce the critical leadership skills of demonstrate empathy, professional networking, and lifelong self-development. These experiences, coupled with self-reflection, enable students to grow their leadership capability while building demonstrable professional skills.
Andreu, F.S., Sweet, K.M. and Carter, D.H. (2020), "BUILDING LEADERSHIP SKILLS THROUGH HIGH-IMPACT EXPERIENCES", Journal of Leadership Education, Vol. 19 No. 4, pp. 134-146. https://doi.org/10.12806/V19/I4/A3
:Emerald Publishing Limited
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