Leadership Styles of Successful FFAAdvisors and FFA Programs

Zachary Nowak, Dwayne Pavelock, Douglas R. Ullrich, Lawrence A. Wolfskill

Journal of Leadership Education

ISSN: 1552-9045

Open Access. Article publication date: 15 January 2019

Issue publication date: 15 January 2019

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Leadership development has been viewed as a foundational component of agriculture education and the FFA since the early 20th century (Hoover, Scholl, Dunnigan, & Mamontova, 2007). To contribute to previous research in the field of leadership, this study lays the framework for future studies on the leadership styles of those individuals who lead today’s youth in FFA programs across the State of Texas. This study describes FFA advisors of successful FFA programs in terms of their leadership styles, leadership training/educational background, and suggests how FFA advisors could use their leadership styles to improve their programs. Participants reported engaging in behaviors related to transformational leadership, M = 3.15, more often than those related to transactional, M = 2.45, or laissez-faire leadership styles, M = 0.86


Nowak, Z., Pavelock, D., Ullrich, D.R. and Wolfskill, L.A. (2019), "Leadership Styles of Successful FFAAdvisors and FFA Programs", Journal of Leadership Education, Vol. 18 No. 1, pp. 45-67. https://doi.org/10.12806/V18/I1/R4



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2019, The Journal of Leadership Education


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