This innovative practice paper discusses how a journalism training practicum empowers and emboldens participants to think critically about their professional goals and allows them to emerge not only with new technical skills but also as industry thought leaders. The news industry is facing a profound technological upheaval as the majority of news consumers turn to their smartphones for content. News organizations need workers with skills and competencies suited to this new environment, but they also need those infused with an entrepreneurial spirit willing to take on significant structural challenges within an industry that honors tradition. In this practicum, thought leadership is emphasized as a desired byproduct of a training model that relies heavily on coaching.
Herndon, K.L. and Kor-Sins, R. (2019), "Developing Thought Leaders: An Industry Practicum Approach", Journal of Leadership Education, Vol. 18 No. 1, pp. 174-182. https://doi.org/10.12806/V18/I1/A3
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2019, The Journal of Leadership Education
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