Empirical Test of the Know, See, Plan, Do Model for Curriculum Design in Leadership Education

Beth Ann Martin, Scott J. Allen

Journal of Leadership Education

ISSN: 1552-9045

Open Access. Article publication date: 15 October 2016

Issue publication date: 15 October 2016

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This research assesses the Know, See, Plan, portions of the Know, See, Plan, Do (KSPD) model for curriculum design in leadership education. There were 3 graduate student groups, each taught using 1 of 3 different curriculum designs (KSPD and 2 control groups). Based on apre- test, post-test design, students’ performance was measured to assess their knowledge, and application skills of the course material. Results indicated MBA students taught based on a KSPD curriculum (Group 1) performed significantly better than students in the two control groups on 3 post-test dependent measures designed to capture the effectiveness of the Know, See, Plan curriculum design model, (basic leadership information (K1), recognition of leadership concepts in practice (S1), and developing a plan of action (P1)). Group 1 also performed significantly better on all 3 post-test measures than they performed on the 3 pre-test measures. The non-MBA control group (Group 2) improved significantly from pre-test to post test on P1 but not on S1 or K1. The MBA control group (Group 3) had no significant changes in performance from pre-test to post-test on any of the three dependent measures. These findings are discussed in terms of their support for the KSPD model and in regard to limitations of this study.


Martin, B.A. and Allen, S.J. (2016), "Empirical Test of the Know, See, Plan, Do Model for Curriculum Design in Leadership Education", Journal of Leadership Education, Vol. 15 No. 4, pp. 132-143. https://doi.org/10.12806/V15/I4/A2



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2016, The Journal of Leadership Education


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