A great deal of literature exists for leadership educators related to programs design, delivery, and student learning. However, little is known about leadership educators, who have largely been left out of contemporary leadership education research. We looked to teaching and teacher education literature to derive a model for leadership educator professional identity development. The four spaces of identity development are exploration, experimentation, validation, and confirmation. We propose that an individual can move forward and backwards through the model as a result of both ongoing influences and positive or negative critical incidents. We discuss implications for professional development and future research.
Seemiller, C. and Priest, K.L. (2015), "The Hidden “Who” in Leadership Education: Conceptualizing Leadership Educator Professional Identity Development", Journal of Leadership Education, Vol. 14 No. 3, pp. 132-151. https://doi.org/10.12806/V14/I3/T2
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2015, The Journal of Leadership Education
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