In the 21st century, effective church leaders need to be prepared to emphasize and demonstrate ethical leadership, personal responsibility, and community service. The foundation for success in all those areas lies in the ability of church leaders to initiate, develop, and maintain positive functioning relationships. Based on over 40 years experience in various church leadership roles, the author provides his unique relational principles of effective church leadership, including (a) mission, (b) conflict management, (c) power and influence, (d) collaboration, (e) emotions are facts, (f) forgiveness, (g) reconciliation, and (h) love.
Watt, W.M. (2014), "Relational Principles for Effective Church Leadership", Journal of Leadership Education, Vol. 13 No. 2, pp. 125-139. https://doi.org/10.12806/V13/I2/T1
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2014, The Journal of Leadership Education
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