This study examines the impact of a leadership education retreat through the eyes of six undergraduate college men who participated in The Institute for Men of Principle at a midwestern college. What influences shape their definition and experience of leadership? Entry and exit interviews were conducted along with field notes from observations during the five-day curriculum. The study finds that early socialization experiences are paramount. In addition, participants uniformly struggle with acquiring and keeping the role of leader. Being a leader also plays a crucial role in the self-esteem of the participants. Analysis of the curriculum reveals that the application of leadership theory during hands-on activities was effective in shaping their views Framing leadership as a team endeavor and the need for personal congruence as a leader were the strongest consistent changes in participants' perceptions. The case is made for qualitative and longitudinal investigation for assessing leadership education programs.
DiPaolo, D.G. (2002), "Voices of Leadership", Journal of Leadership Education, Vol. 1 No. 2, pp. 62-77. https://doi.org/10.12806/V1/I2/RF4
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2002, The Journal of Leadership Education
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