Magnetism and electronic transport in (Ni, Cu)2 MnSn Heusler alloys under ambient and elevated pressures
The electronic properties, exchange interactions, Curie temperatures and transport properties of random quaternary Heusler alloys (Ni, Cu)2MnSn are studied by means of density-functional calculations over the entire range of dopant concentration. Results agree qualitatively as well as quantitatively with the available experimental data. The residual resistivity is found to obey the Nordheim rule, indicating weak-scattering regime. The temperature-dependent spin-disorder resistivity is found to be described well via the disordered model of local moments. Effect of pressure on the Curie temperature and the resistivity is also explored.
Bose, S., Kudrnovský, J. and Drchal, V. (2012), "Magnetism and electronic transport in (Ni, Cu)2 MnSn Heusler alloys under ambient and elevated pressures", World Journal of Engineering, Vol. 9 No. 1, pp. 13-22.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited