(2001), "Reflex action wins prize", Work Study, Vol. 50 No. 2.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2001, MCB UP Limited
Reflex action wins prize
Reflex action wins prize
Reflex, the reading, UK-based audio-visual service provider, has had recent work with British Airways and Sharp recognised with the presentation by Business Equipment Digest magazine of a Business Equipment Excellence Award. Reflex came out top in the mission critical partnership category – only the second year that this category has been included. Reflex's work with BA involved the equipping of over 100 of the company's training rooms across the UK – in what was Reflex's largest project to date. Reflex, which based the projection facilities on Sharp projectors because of the longer life and greater reliability of the lamps, now has a dedicated engineer based at BA's Waterside headquarters providing immediate front-line support when needed. See