(2000), "Charting progress", Work Study, Vol. 49 No. 7.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2000, MCB UP Limited
Charting progress
Charting progress
With its new release of HRWebCharter, HRM Software has developed the first enterprise organisation charting tool able to link directly to any human resources databases and provide access via Internet, intranet or extranet connection. Not only does HRWebCharter automate the tedious, time consuming task of creating organisation charts, but the new Version 9.0 software provides users with a strategic, reporting tool, enabling managers to analyse key HR information graphically. HRWebCharter may be "snapped on" to any vendor's HR database, or source of HR information – in addition to HRM Software's own ExecuTRACK HR planning and HRGlobe HR administration systems – to generate accurate charts on-line, direct to the desktop. Thus there are no local installation, maintenance or printing costs. More importantly, subject to security, anyone in an organisation, at any location, can use HRWebCharter to combine business graphics with HR knowledge management to create instantly high-quality charts that graphically highlight key issues, such as age demographics, absence levels and skills distribution, based on current information held in any HR database. Visit