(2000), "Right fork", Work Study, Vol. 49 No. 3.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2000, MCB UP Limited
Right fork
Right fork
And while we are on the subject of fork-lift trucks ... recent legislation requires that every fork truck should be fitted with a restraining device. Securon's new range of seat belts has been designed to meet this need - they can be fitted, or retro-fitted, to almost all of the fork trucks currently in use in the UK. There is a choice of three main types of belt in the industrial range - static belts, belts with ALR (automatic locking retractors) and belts with ALR plus a controlled movement feature at the buckle. These click into place in exactly the same way as other buckles - but give the driver up to two inches of movement. This is not only more comfortable but means the driver can easily twist round for a better field-of-view. Retro fitting any of these belts allow a fork truck to become compliant with the European "provision and use of work equipment" legislation (EEC Directive 95/63/EC) and with the UK's "provision and use of work equipment regulations" (PUWER 98). Call 01494-434455 for more details.