(1999), "Time for storage", Work Study, Vol. 48 No. 3.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 1999, MCB UP Limited
Time for storage
Time for storage
Seagate Technology, the storage supplier, has named Time Computer Systems, a leading designer and manufacturer of PCs in the UK, as its "UK PC Manufacturer of the Year Award" for 1998. Time is the largest specialist computer retailer in the UK, and has expanded into Ireland. This award recognises it as the largest domestic UK desktop product manufacturer using Seagate technology. Time Computer Systems Ltd was formed in 1987 to address the needs of the first-time computer buyer with little knowledge of computers. From a staff of one, the company has now grown into a thriving business with a turnover of more than £200 million and a staff of 1,700. Time has over 120 retail showrooms with further store openings planned for 1999.